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2015 History of Women's Health Conference

Women's Health: Individual Stories, Global Impact

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Zubrow Auditorium, Pennsylvania Hospital

7:30 am | Keynote

  • Rene Almeling, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Yale University
    Sex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm

8:30 am | Follow Up

  • Scott Edwards, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, Penn Medicine
    Sperm and Egg Donation at Penn Fertility Care

9 am | Continental Breakfast

9–9:30 am | SESSION ONE: Sex Education

  • Ava Purkiss, PhD Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin
    Sound Bodies: Black Women's Public Health and Physical Culture in the Early Twentieth Century
  • Gertrude B. Hutchinson, MSIS, MA, RN, Archivist/Historian, Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History, Foundation of NY State Nurses
    Margaret H. Sanger, RN: A Courageous Advocate of Birth Control and Women's Self-Determination of Health Care
  • Laura M. Ansley, PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
    "How Shall I Tell My Child?": The Sex Education Work of Dr. Mary Wood-Allen and Rose Woodallen Chapman

10:40–11:50 am | SESSION TWO: Agency in Pregnancy and Childbirth

  • Sophia Ann-Marie McFoy, Independent Scholar
    "Dissembling Women:" The Use of Plant Abortifacients at Worthy Park Plantation, Jamaica (1784–1838)
  • Naomi Rendina, Graduate Student, Case Western Reserve University
    Lamaze as a Consumer Movement: 1960–1980
  • Linda Winkler, PhD, Professor of Anthropology, Wilkes University
    Sara M. Wing, BS, Medical Student, The Commonwealth Medical College

    Improving Maternal Health in the Developing World: Successes and Challenges in Rural Tanzania

11:55–1 pm | Lunch

1:10–2:45 pm | SESSION THREE: Views ofWomen's Health

  • Rachel Walker, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland, College Park
    The Science of Sexual Difference in the Nineteenth Century
  • Lauren MacIvor Thompson, PhD Candidate, Georgia State University
    Against "Physiologic Infantilism": Gynecologic Medicine and Women's Rights Reform in Progressive America
  • Edward Allen Driggers, PhD Candidate, University of South Carolina and Sidney M. Edelstein Fellow at Chemical Heritage Foundation
    Women and the Stone: Chemistry and Surgery
  • Haley Gienow-McConnell, MA History, Brock University; PhD I History, York University
    The History of Emaciation: An Emaciated History
  • Wafa Hozien, PhD, Virginia State University
    Hana Hamdi, MPH Candidate, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health Muslim American Mother's Influence on

    Muslim American Mother's Influence on Daughter's Health Practices

RSVP to Stacey Peeples by April 24, 2015 at 215-829-5434 or stacey.peeples@uphs.upenn.edu. When registering, please indicate if you would like to purchase the $10 lunch. A vegetarian option will be available.

Sponsored By:

Pennsylvania Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections

Nursing contact hours will be granted to nurses attending this program in its entirety and submitting an evaluation for the program. Pennsylvania Hospital is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the PA State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on accreditation. There is no conflict of interest on the part of any presenter. There is no commercial support for this educational offering.

*Also, please note that Zubrow Auditorium is wheelchair accessible

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