Historic Collections, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia,
Compiled by Bonnie Ellen Blustein with a Preface by Caroline
Morris, 1978
Revised 2007
Note: the entire Finding Aid will require approximately 36
pages to print.
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Collections site
- Processed by: Historic Collections Staff
- Extent: Approx. 2,000 linear feet
- Provenance: Pennsylvania Hospital
- Access: Patient, staff and student records are restricted
- Citation: Pennsylvania Hospital records, Pennsylvania
Hospital, Historic Collections, Philadelphia, PA
- Funding Note: This collection was processed and microfilmed
in part with funds provided by the American Philosophical
Society and the National Library of Medicine (NIH Grant
IM 02291).
Stacey C Peeples
Curator-Lead Archivist
Pennsylvania Hospital
Historic Collections
3 Pine East
800 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 829-5434
Fax: (215) 829-7155
Email: stacey.peeples@uphs.upenn.edu
The archives of the Hospital remain an unbroken series from
1751 to 1978. They provide a unique resource for students
in the history of hospital development, health care and medicine.
The collection includes personal papers of hospital practitioners
as well as the records of affiliates absorbed by Pennsylvania
Hospital such as the Philadelphia Dispensary, the Preston
Retreat, the Southern Dispensary, the Philadelphia Lying-In
Charity, the Maternity Hospital, the Nurse Charity, and the
Humane Society.
The following titles provide historical overviews of the
Tomes, Nancy. A Generous Confidence: Thomas Story Kirkbride
and the art of asylum-keeping, 1840-1883. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1984.
Williams, William Henry, 1936- . The Pennsylvania Hospital,
1751-1801, an internal examination of Anglo-America's first
hospital. [Newark], University of Delaware, 1971; [Ann
Arbor, University Microfilms, c1972].
Packard, Francis R. (Francis Randolph), 1870-1950. Some
account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, from its first rise
to the beginning of the year 1938. Philadelphia [1957]
2nd print., with a continuation of the account to the year
1956, by Florence M. Greim.
Morton, Thomas George, 1835-1903. Woodbury, Frank, 1848-
. The History of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1751-1895.
New York, Arno Press, 1973 [c1895]
Funding Note
In 1965, Pennsylvania Hospital received its first grant from
the American
Philosophical Society to organize and microfilm the first
one hundred years of the archives.
In 1974, the National
Library of Medicine granted the Pennsylvania Hospital
funding to inventory the Historic Library and to organize
the second hundred years of the archives. These records reflect
the growth of the Hospital, the increased specialization of
medical care and the merger of small hospitals with this institution.
The records also reflect the development of institutional
mental health care in a separate physical facility.
In 1976, the National Library of Medicine awarded the Hospital
another grant to re-catalog the historic medical library and
to complete the organization and microfilming of the second
hundred years of archives.
Note on Restricted Access
Not all materials in the collection are publicly accessible
or reproducible. The physical condition of an item, copyright
issues, donor restrictions, and Federal or State regulations
will determine restrictions on access and reproductions.
According to the Hospital Insurance Portability & Accountability
Act (HIPAA), effective April 14th, 2003, Hospital employees
are not permitted to provide access to identifying information
of any patient - past, present, or future. As a result, access
to, or reproductions of, any images in which patients appear,
cannot be granted, unless the patients' faces are blurred
so as to be unrecognizable.
State law 50 P.S. 7111 prohibits the use of all patient
mental health records.
The Pennsylvania Hospital closes non-mental health patient
records for 100 years. Records older than 100 years are open
for researchers to view. All non-patient related material
is closed for 75 years from its creation. Certain restrictions
might still apply on specific records.
Requests for Reproductions and Publishing/ Use Rights
When deemed appropriate, and when not restricted by federal
or donor regulations, the Archivist may grant one-time, non-exclusive
rights to publish hospital-owned images. Reproduction costs,
Service charges, and Publication/ use fees may apply.
All requests for image reproductions must be in writing and
should be delivered to the Hospital Archivist at least three
weeks prior to the date the image is needed. Please request
to view the "Details of Image Reproduction Services"
information page and the "Image Services Fee Schedule"
for additional information regarding image reproductions.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United
States Code) governs the making of photocopies and other reproductions
of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified
in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish
a photocopy or other reproduction. One of the specified conditions
is that the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be "used
for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research."
If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy
or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use,"
that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution
reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if,
in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation
of copyright law.
Reproductions of materials in the Historic Collections of
Pennsylvania Hospital are provided as a service to expedite
research and lessen wear on image/ documents, and are made
solely for the personal use of the individual researcher requesting
them. Reproductions may not be transferred to another individual
or organization, deposited at another institution, or reduplicated
without prior permission of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Duplication
by the Hospital in no way transfers either the copyright or
the property right. Similarly, duplication by the Hospital
does not constitute permission to publish, or to display materials,
without the express written consent of the Pennsylvania Hospital
Archivist via a signed Permission to Publish and/or Exhibit
Materials form, and the payment of use fees where applicable.
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The collection is arranged in three sections:
Section I. Records of Pennsylvania
Hospital, Department of Sick and Injured at Eighth Street
- Series 1. Board
of Managers, 1751-1975
- Series 2. Financial
and Real Estate Records, 1724-1973
- Series 3. Administration,
- Series 4. Medical
Staff, ca. 1750-1975
- Series 5. Patients,
- Series 6. Buildings
and Grounds, ca. 1752-1929
- Series 7. Library,
Museum and Benjamin West Painting, 1767-1950
- Series 8. Affiliates,
- Series 9. Miscellany,
- Series 10. Pennsylvania
Hospital Nursing Schools, 1887-1973
Section II. Institute of the Pennsylvania
Hospital Records. Some early Institute records
will be found in section I. of the finding aid.
Section III. Historic Image Collection,
ca. 1749-1997
The Managers were the most important administrative body
in the Hospital, making most policy decisions as well as supervising
the day-to-day functions of the institution. Their Minutes,
the complete set of which has been preserved, thus constitute
a very valuable source of information about nearly every non-medical
aspect of the work of the Hospital. Each month two members
of the Board served, in rotation as Attending Managers, visiting
the Hospital frequently and reporting to the full Board. Their
responsibilities included admitting and discharging patients,
inspecting the wards, hearing the officers reports,
and examining the financial records. The compete run of the
Attending Managers' Accounts, included in the Archives, is
thus another very useful set of records.
Board of Managers. Minutes, 1751-1975, in 95 volumes.
With index to first seven volumes, 1751-1824. Minutes contain
Annual Accounts until 1803 when the Accounts were transferred
to a separate Annual Accounts Book. Index to Minutes, 1751-1824.
- Minutes, v. 1, May 1, 1751 - May 2, 1757.
- Minutes, v. 2, May 4, 1757 - May 5, 1764.
- Minutes, v. 3, Map 14, 1764 - May 1, 1769.
- Minutes, v. 4, May 8, 1769 - Feb. 22, 1775.
- Minutes, v. 5, March 4, 1777 - April 26, 1784.
- Minutes, v. 6, May 10, 1784 - April 28, 1794.
- Minutes, v. 7, May 12, 1794 - May 5, 1804.
- Minutes, v. 8, May 14, 1804 - May 4, 1833.
- Minutes, v. 9, Map 13, 1833 - Dec. 27, 1858 .
- Minutes, v. 10, Jan. 31, 1859 - May 5, 1877.
- (through May 1860)
- (May 1860 - May 1877)
- Minutes, v. 11, May 1877 - April 1895.
- Minutes, v. 12, May 1895 - Feb. 1910.
- Minutes, v. 13, March l910 - Nov. 1916.
- Minutes, v. 14, may 1916 - May 1919.
- Minutes, v. 15, May 1919 - Dec. 1921.
- Minutes, v. 16, Jan. l922 - Nov. 1923.
- Minutes, v. 17, Jan. l924 - Dec. l925.
- Minutes, v. 18, 1926.
- Minutes, v. 19, 1927.
- Minutes, v. 20, 1928.
- Minutes, v. 21, 1929.
- Minutes, 1930 - 1970, in 61 volumes.
- Minutes, 1971 - 1975, in 13 volumes.
Board of Managers. Rough Minutes, 1781 - 1916, in 13 volumes.
Lists of Applicants for position Resident Physician, 1868
- 1916 (five volumes), were included and filmed from end of
Board of Managers, Rough Minutes. Lists include date, name
of Applicant, action on application (accepted, rejected, withdrew).
No such lists found in earlier volumes of Rough Minutes. No
more lists kept after 1916.
- Rough Minutes, May 14, 1781 - Dec. 27,
- Rough Minutes, Jan. 31, 1785 - Oct, 29,
- Rough Minutes, Nov. 26, 1787 - Nov. 22,
- Rough Minutes, Nov. 28, 1796 - Feb. 27,
- Rough Minutes, March 30, 1807 - May 5,
- Rough Minutes, May 14, 1821 - Sept, 19,
- Rough Minutes, Sept. 28, 1835 - Dec, 26,
- Rough Minutes, Jan. 30, 1854 - Aug. 31,
- Sept., 1868 - Nov., 1878.
- Dec., 1878 - June, 1889.
- July, 1889 - April, 1904.
- June, 1904 - May, 1912.
- May, 1912 - May, 1916.
Attending Managers. Accounts, Feb. 11, 1752- 1961, in
51 volumes.
These accounts contain lists of patients, Steward's and Matron's
monthly accounts, and lists of medical pupils (1789 - 1813).
- Accounts, Feb. 11, 1752 - March 30, 1754.
- Accounts, Aug. 27, 1754 - May 8, 1756.
- Accounts, May 12, 1756 - July 29, 1758.
- Accounts, Aug, 2, 1758 - Aug. 16, 1760.
- Accounts, Aug. 27, 1760 - June 26, 1762.
- Accounts, June 30, 1762 - April 27, 1765.
- Accounts, May 1, 1765 - Oct. 3, 1767.
- Accounts. Oct. 7, 1767 - Sept. 28, 1771.
- Accounts, Oct. 2, 1771 - Sept. 23, 1775.
- Accounts, Sept, 27, 1775 - March 24, 1781.
- Accounts, March 28, 1781 - May 31, 1784.
- Accounts, June 2, 1784 - Oct, 24, 1789.
- Accounts, Oct, 28, 1789 - July 25, 1795.
- Accounts, July 29, 1795 - April 23, 1803.
- Accounts, April 27, 1803 - Dec. 24, 1808.
- Accounts, Dec. 30, 1808 - Oct. 28, 1815.
- Accounts, Nov. 1, 1815 - Oct. 26, 1822.
- Accounts, Oct. 30, 1822 - Feb. 21, 1827.
- Accounts, Feb. 28, 1827 - Dec. 24, 1831.
- Accounts, Dec. 28, 1831 - June 21 1836.
- Accounts, June 29, 1836 - April 24, 1841.
- Accounts, April 28, 1841 - Dec. 24, 1853.
- Accounts, Dec. 28, 1853 - Jan, 29, 1881.
- Accounts, 1881 - 1901.
- Accounts, 1902 - 1913.
- Accounts, 1913 - 1920, vol. 26, ledger
- Accounts, 1921 - 1922, vol. 27, ledger
- Accounts, 1923 - 1926, vol. 28, ledger
- Accounts, 1926 - 1928, vol. 29, ledger
- Accounts, 1928 - 1930, vol. 30, ledger
- Accounts, 1930 - 1961, in 11 vols., ledgers
I - O.
Attending Managers. Monthly Reports, 1801 -1825, in three
Attending Managers, Monthly Reports, 1762 -1801, 1804
- 1820, in 2 boxes.
Annual Accounts, 1769 - 1840, of Board of Managers, arranged
chronologically in one box (set not complete). These are rough
drafts of the annual accounts; the final drafts of some (those
between 1804 and 1840) appear in the bound volume of Annual
Accounts, 1804 - 1852, listed below. The box also contains
a "General Abstract of the Accounts for the Hospital"
from Feb. 1752 - May 1763, and two copies of a "Summary
of Hospital Accounts" for the period 1762 - 1769.
Annual Accounts, examined and adjusted by a Committee of
the Managers, for 1804 - 1895, in two volumes. Include: Treasurer's
Accounts; Steward's Accounts, Receipts and Expenditures; Legacies,
Contributions, and Donations; Capital Stock; List of Patients
and Abstracts of Cases.
Annual Elections and Meetings. Ledgers. Arranged in chronological
order, including the following years: 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829,
1830, 1831, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1840, 1851, 1855, 1856,
1863, 1864, 1867, 1875, 1876, 1888, 1895, 1900, two undated.
Annual Reports, 1794 - 1841 (printed broadsides), in one
Laws and Regulations pertaining to Pennsylvania Hospital,
to 1856, in one volume.
Letter Book, Nov, 4, 1786 - Dec, 30, 1828, in one volume.
With index, complete except for pages 106 - 109 (covering
1818 - 1828).
Letter Book, Jan. - Dec. 1915.
Minutes of Committee appointed to collect the outstanding
debts due to the Hospital, Nov. 19, 1788 - April 16, 1801,
in one volume.
Miscellaneous papers originating with Managers, arranged
chronologically, 1751 - 1860 in two boxes. Those items available
in Minutes in same exact form (i.e., resolutions, minutes,
letters) were not filmed. At end of run is an incomplete set
of Dr. Kirkbride's Monthly Reports, 1847 - 1860. For additional
reports, see also, Superintendent-Steward of the Department
for the Insane. Monthly Reports.
Miscellaneous papers, 1880 - 1910, in eleven boxes. Box 4
includes partial index.
Miscellaneous papers, 1911 - 1928, in ten boxes.
Contributive Record, 1890. Record of individuals' annual
Development and Public Relations Material, ca. 1930 - 1960,
in two boxes
return to top
Section I, Series 2. Financial and Real
Estate Records, 1724-1973.
Funding Note
The processing of this collection was made possible through
a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records
Commission (NHPRC).
The financial records of the Pennsylvania Hospital have been
housed in the Pine Building since its completion, resulting
in a remarkably complete set of records, which reflect the
development of the Hospital from 1751 until approximately
1920, when there appear to have been changes in record-keeping
procedures and shifts in responsibilities of key hospital
History of Pennsylvania Hospital Finances
The Pennsylvania Hospital was founded in 1751 by Dr. Thomas
Bond and Benjamin Franklin. Chartered by the Colonial Government,
the Pennsylvania Hospital has the distinction of being the
first hospital in America to care for the sick poor. The original
building on Eighth and Pine Streets, completed in 1755, was
expanded over the years, as demand for a larger facility grew.
The vitality of every charitable organization depends upon
securing financial support from the government and private
individuals. This was equally true in 1751, when Benjamin
Franklin, at the request of Thomas Bond, presented a petition
to the Pennsylvania Assembly that proposed a hospital “to
care for the sick poor of the Province and for the reception
and care of lunaticks.” Franklin convinced the Assembly
to support the project by asserting that prominent supporters
of the Hospital would raise 2,000 pounds from private citizens,
if the Assembly would match the funds raised. Anticipating
that Franklin would not be able to raise the required money,
the Assembly approved the plan. Hospital supporters had preemptively
gathered pledges in excess of the amount needed, and the bill
creating funds for a hospital was signed into law on May 11,
1751. The money received from the Assembly was kept in a capital
stock fund, which was to be maintained and grown through investments
in property and shares in companies.
To facilitate fundraising and to educate the public about
the mission of Pennsylvania Hospital, Franklin wrote and published
a pamphlet entitled Some Account of Pennsylvania Hospital
in 1754. This publication served as an annual report to contributors,
as well as a request for new supporters. Included in the report
was an appeal for contributions, promising that with the contribution
of ten pounds or more, the individual would become eligible
to vote in the election of the Managers and Treasurer of the
Hospital. In 1761, another financially vulnerable period,
this book was updated and reprinted to appeal, once again,
to the public’s generosity.
In addition to official grants from the Assembly and donations
from the Contributors, the Managers raised funds for the Hospital
using charity boxes that were placed around the Hospital and
in individuals’ homes. Financial assistance of various
types enhanced the Hospital’s ability to serve the community;
some wealthy patrons donated stock in local companies that
would yield benefits over a long period of time, others granted
the Hospital land rights, which made it possible to collect
rents from tenants and expand the Hospital’s grounds.
The Penn family donated much of the lot upon which the Pennsylvania
Hospital still stands.
Donors of modest means often gave money to endow a bed in
honor of a loved one who was treated at the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Many of the plaques made to commemorate the donations are
still on display in the Hospital today. Other methods of raising
funds for operating expenses included requiring gratuities
from visitors who came to see the patients from the insane
ward as they walked the Hospital grounds, charging a small
admission fee to see Benjamin West’s painting “Christ
Healing the Sick in the Temple,” and collecting entry
fees from charity concerts and lectures throughout the city.
Several working farms were also operated by the Hospital,
generating funds through sales of agricultural products while
also supplying milk and produce for hospital use.
Pennsylvania Hospital was favored by many English donors
affiliated with the Society of Friends, including John Fothergill,
David Barclay, and Thomas Hyam. Because of the assistance
of these supporters, the Hospital became the beneficiary of
monies held in the London Land Company. Between 1760 and 1787,
Fothergill, Franklin, and David Barclay acted as the Hospital’s
agents in London and negotiated the transfer of funds to the
newly formed Pennsylvania Land Company. This money could not
have come at a more crucial time since the Hospital’s
capital stock was severely depleted by the devaluation of
Continental currency and the use of Hospital resources to
care for soldiers that the Contributors to Pennsylvania Hospital
borrowed money on their personal credit to keep the Hospital
operating. Over one half of the hospital’s capital stock
was decimated when the Hospital was forced to accept repayment
of some loans in the nearly worthless Continental currency.
Though this was by no means the last financially vulnerable
period in the Hospital’s history, by the nineteenth
century, Pennsylvania Hospital’s mission was more widely
known and supported. Bequests became crucial in the maintenance
of the capital stock fund, and the cultivation of donors was
a constant concern, as it continues to be today. Large donations
provided the base funds for renovations to hospital facilities
and the construction of new buildings, allowing Pennsylvania
Hospital to continue to operate in a modern environment.
Time Line
1751--A charter is granted by the Pennsylvania
legislature to establish a hospital to care for the sick-poor
and insane.
1752—The Pennsylvania Assembly grants
the Hospital managers 2,000 pounds to help establish the new
hospital. Pennsylvania Hospital begins operations from a temporary
location on High Street.
1754— The Managers purchase a plot
of ground between Eighth and Ninth Streets where they would
begin construction of a permanent home for the hospital.
1756—Charles Norris acts as Treasurer
for the Pennsylvania Hospital.
1756—The first patients were admitted
to the Hospital's new home on Eighth Street.
1756-1760—Samuel Rhoads is elected
Treasurer; Elizabeth Gardiner is Matron of the Pennsylvania
1760-1768—Hugh Roberts serves as Hospital
1760-1767—George Weed is Steward of
the Pennsylvania Hospital; Weed’s wife Esther serves
as Matron.
June 7, 1760—a letter from Thomas
Hyam informs the Managers that an act of Parliament had passed,
in which was inserted a clause granting any unclaimed money
from the Pennsylvania Land Company in London remaining after
June 24, 1770 to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
1762—The Pennsylvania Assembly grants
the Hospital 3,000 pounds to replenish Capital Stock.
1767—Thomas and Richard Penn donate
the remaining land on the block between Eighth & Ninth
and Spruce and Pine Streets, making this entire area part
of the Hospital property.
1767-1769—Mary Ball serves as Matron.
1768-1769—Samuel Preston Moore is
1769—Thomas and Richard Penn donate
another plot of ground south of Ninth & Spruce Streets.
1769-1772—Thomas Wharton is Hospital
Treasurer, overseeing financial transactions related to the
Pennsylvania Land Company in London; Sarah Harlan serves as
the Hospital’s Matron.
1772-1773—Joseph King serves as Treasurer.
1773-1776—John Saxton is Steward.
1773-1780—Joseph Hillborn is elected
1776-1777—wounded Continental and
British soldiers are treated at the Pennsylvania Hospital,
depleting the funds and supplies of the Hospital.
1776-1780—John Story is Steward.
1777-1784—devaluation of Continental
currency; the Hospital’s capital stock is depleted,
and the income of the Hospital severely limited.
1778—evacuation of Philadelphia by
the British.
1780—the Pennsylvania Legislature
grants Pennsylvania Hospital Managers 10,000 in Continental
money to supplement the Hospital income after many British
soldiers received services in the Hospital, at a great expense
to the organization and the province.
1780-1795—Joseph Henszey is Hospital
Steward; his wife serves as Matron.
1780-1799—Mordecai Lewis is Hospital
1782—Admiralty Acts assign unclaimed
prize money to the Hospital (approx. 2,300 pounds).
1787—Remaining money from the Pennsylvania
Land Company in London is transferred to the Managers of the
Pennsylvania Hospital.
1793—Pennsylvania Hospital is granted
arrears due the Loan Office—Managers become trustees
of the Loan Office—$26,666 for completion of the West
and Center buildings of the Hospital. The same act allots
unclaimed dividends of bankrupts’ estates to the Hospital.
1796—West wing of hospital completed.
1796-1803—Francis Higgins is appointed
Steward; his wife Hannah is Matron.
1799-1826—Joseph S. Lewis is elected
1804—Center wing of hospital completed;
opening of the surgical amphitheatre.
1804-1808—William Johnson serves
as Steward, his wife is Matron.
1808-1812—Francis and Hannah Higgins
are reappointed as Steward and Matron.
1813-1826—Samuel Mason and his wife
serve as Steward and Matron of the Hospital.
1826-1830—Isaac and Ann Bonsall are
Steward and Matron.
1826-1841—Samuel N. Lewis serves as
1830-1849—Allen Clapp serves as Hospital
1841—The Pennsylvania Hospital for
the Insane opens in West Philadelphia to accommodate the large
number of insane patients who were formerly treated at the
Eighth Street Hospital.
1841-49—William G. Malin becomes
Steward of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane in West
1849-1883—William G. Malin returns
to the Pennsylvania Hospital to act as Steward.
1841-1881—John T. Lewis is Hospital
1856—The Humane Society ceases operation,
and money is transferred to the Hospital accounts; a memorial
is presented to the Legislature, proposing the allowance for
larger contributions and bequests to the Hospital.
1859—The second section of the Pennsylvania
Hospital for the Insane is completed; the original building
becomes the department for females, the new building becomes
the department for males.
1881-1906—Henry Haines serves as
1883-1886—Richard Cadbury is Steward.
1886-1891—Benjamin Hoopes serves as
the Hospital’s Steward.
1891-1895—Jonathan G. Williams is
appointed Steward.
1892—Work begins on the modern hospital
at Eighth Street.
1896-1920—Daniel D. Test is Hospital
1906—Provident Life & Trust Co.
acts as Treasurer until a replacement for Henry Haines can
be found.
1906-1920s— Edward Y. Hartshorne is
elected Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Scope and Content of the Financial and Real Estate
Due to the large span of time covered in these records,
there are considerable variations in record-keeping practices
between Treasurers. When they were elected, the Treasurers
were bound to a contract stating that they would render reports
on the state of Hospital accounts on a periodic basis to the
Board of Managers. These reports included summaries of expenditures
by the Steward, Matron, and Treasurer, as well as income generated
by ground rents, capital stock, contributions, patient board,
and other miscellaneous sources. The result of this reporting
practice is that there are fairly complete records of the
financial dealings of the Hospital until 1920, when some procedural
change impacted record keeping, producing a sizable gap in
the financial documents. Based on limited information from
the Board of Managers’ minutes, it seems likely that
much of the record-keeping responsibility fell away from the
Steward and was delegated to an assistant.
Prior to 1920, the accounting practices of the Hospital were
administered by the Treasurer and a Steward/Superintendent.
The Steward and/or Matron (who was often the Steward’s
wife) were responsible for the day-to-day spending of the
Hospital, including the purchase of food, clothing for patients,
medicine, bedding, furniture, hay for livestock, maintenance
of houses and buildings owned by the Hospital, and wages to
day laborers. The Steward’s finances were administered
by the Treasurer, who was responsible for allocating and accounting
for all hospital expenditures and receipts.
The collection has been divided into three series, 1. Treasurer—Finance;
2. Treasurer—Real Estate; 3. Steward/Superintendent.
These series were derived first by whether the responsibilities
represented by a group of documents were delegated to the
Treasurer or the Steward, then roughly according to the subject
matter that the transaction documented. Every effort was taken
to clearly divide Treasurer’s materials into “Finance”
and “Real Estate,” though some of the papers were
less obviously fitted to only one category.
Series I. Treasurer—Finance, 1751-1971
This series consists of approximately fifty linear feet
of files, ledgers and oversize materials that document loans,
gifts, contributions, grants and other sources of income throughout
the Hospital’s history. Also documented in the Finance
records are Hospital expenditures for capital improvements
and the administration of loans. This series covers the broadest
span of time, making it useful for analyzing shifts in the
economics of health care. Included in these materials are
wills, bonds, and other legal documents.
The Finance papers are further divided into sixteen subseries:
A. Accounts Payable, B. Accounts Receivable, C. Balance Sheets,
D. Bankrupt Estates, E. Bonds, F. Capital Stock, G. Cash Books/Day
Books/Ledgers, H. Contributions, I. Correspondence, J. Estates
and Trusts, K. Loan Office of 1773, L. Minutes, M. Pennsylvania
Land Company, N. Power of Attorney, O. Receipts, P. Reports.
Series II. Treasurer—Real Estate, 1724-1914
The Real Estate series of the Financial Records collection
consists of approximately twenty linear feet of material,
much of which is oversize. Included in this series are original
parchment deeds, surveys of properties, mortgages, title searches,
insurance policies, and records relating to rental properties
owned by the Pennsylvania Hospital.
To facilitate access, this series has been divided into
the following subseries: A. Accounts, B. Correspondence, C.
Deeds, D. Ground Rents, E. Insurance, F. Mortgages, G. Properties,
H. Taxes.
Series III. Steward/Superintendent, 1751-1921
This series comprises the largest segment of the Financial
Records collection, and offers insights into patient care,
services provided, methods of treatment used, and nutrition
over the course of the Hospital’s first 150 years. The
Steward/Superintendent records provide a detailed view of
the goods and services contracted for the daily operation
of the hospital. The majority of this series consists of receipts
and bills, which are supplemented by the cash books, ledgers,
and receipt books used to record transactions. Also included
in this series are accounts of wages paid to hospital employees
and costs relative to building materials and repairs to facilities.
The Steward was a staff doctor who oversaw the daily operations
of the hospital’s various departments. His tasks included
purchasing supplies needed for patient care, maintenance of
the hospital buildings, and care of grounds and animals belonging
to the hospital. Typically, a Matron was also employed to
share the broad range of responsibilities involved in this
position. The Matron would administer issues more directly
related to patient care, such as making or purchasing clothes
for patients, and caring for the bodies of patients who died.
The Steward/Superintendent series has been divided into
the following ten subseries: A. Apothecary, B. Building/Repairs,
C. Cash Books, D. Ledgers, E. Correspondence, F. Household
Expenses, G. Monthly Accounts, H. Receipts, I. Reports, J.
Preferred Citation
Financial Records Collection. Courtesy of the Pennsylvania
Hospital Historic Collections, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
See Also
Board of Managers’ minutes; Institute of Pennsylvania
Hospital Steward’s Records.
Box List
Series I: Treasurer, Finance
Subseries A: Accounts Payable Boxes 1-5, 11
This subseries consists of receipted bills for major hospital
expenses, wages of hospital employees, costs associated with
the administration of loans, and records of payments on loans.
Oversize materials are housed separately.
Subseries B: Accounts Receivable Box 5
In addition to receiving payments on loans and overdue balances
on patient accounts, the Treasurer also handled dividends
gained on stocks. This subseries offers a sampling of these
Subseries C: Balance Sheets Boxes 6, 6.1, 11
This subseries is made up primarily of accounting worksheets
that illustrate the state of the Hospital’s funds as
handled by a particular Treasurer. In some cases, the worksheets
summarize the receipts and payments made by the Steward. Because
the Treasurer was ultimately responsible for all of the Hospital’s
accounts, the records of the Steward were necessary for accurate
reporting. Oversize materials are housed separately.
Subseries D: Bankrupt Estates Box 6
The colonial legislature funded the Pennsylvania Hospital
in a number of innovative ways, one of which was the designation
of unclaimed dividends from bankrupts’ estates to a
special fund benefiting the Hospital. This subseries contains
summary statements of these funds.
Subseries E: Bonds Box 7
Many of the bonds in this subseries are between the Contributors
to Pennsylvania Hospital and the Hospital’s Treasurers.
There are also bonds between individuals for mortgages that
were transferred to the Hospital.
Subseries F: Capital Stock (arranged chronologically)
Boxes 7, 11, flat files
This subseries documents the fluctuations in funds maintaining
the hospital’s infrastructure, which were invested in
stocks and real estate. The majority of documents are summaries
of investments, providing little detail about any particular
entry. For more detailed information, consult the Cash Books/Daybooks/Ledgers,
Correspondence, and Estates and Trusts subseries. Oversize
materials are housed separately.
Subseries G: Cash Books/Daybooks/Ledgers Boxes 12-25
The Cash/Day Books contain information on salaries paid,
money designated for expenses of each branch of the Hospital,
loans, shares in companies, bonds, ground rents, contributions
received, insurance, board of patients, capital stock, and
- Box 12: Cash Book and Ledger. 1752-1777, Hugh Roberts,
Thomas Wharton, Joseph King, and Joseph Hillborn, Treasurers.
- Box 13: Cash Book and Ledger. 1777-1801, Joseph Hillborn,
Mordecai Lewis, and Joseph S. Lewis, Treasurers.
- Box 14: Cash Book. 1801-1824, Joseph S. Lewis, Treasurer.
- Box 15: Cash Book. 1824-1848, Samuel N. Lewis and John
T. Lewis, Treasurers.
- Box 16: Cash Book. 1848-1865, John T. Lewis, Treasurer.
- Box 17: Cash Book/Day Book. 1865-1882, John T. Lewis
and Henry Haines, Treasurers.
- Box 18: Cash Book/Day Book. 1882-1897, Henry Haines,
- Box 19: Cash Book/Day Book. 1897-1918, Henry Haines and
Edward G. Hartshorne, Treasurers.
- Box 20: Cash Book/Day Book. 1918-1920, Edward G. Hartshorne,
The Ledgers give the details of particular accounts (i.e.,
payments with dates, as well as who made the payment), mostly
in the case of mortgages, bonds, and ground rents.
- Box 21: Ledger B1. 1788-1795; Ledger B2. 1788-1825.
- Box 22: Ledger C. 1825-1836; Ledger D. 1836-1855.
- Box 23: Ledger E. 1855-1880.
- Box 24: Ledger F. 1880-1904.
- Box 25: Ledger (Provident Life and Trust Co.). 1904-1915.
Subseries H: Contributions Boxes 7-8
This subseries contains records of fundraising efforts,
lists of contributors, contribution certificates, as well
as a small amount of correspondence included with contributions.
In addition to these general records, there are a group of
small leather-bound notebooks that were used to document subscriptions
collected by individuals during a fundraising campaign in
1867. The following individuals collected money for the Hospital’s
1867 Appeal: Jacob P. Jones, Joseph C. Turnpenny, William
Biddle, M.L. Dawson, Charles Ellis, H.C. Lea, H.C. Gibson,
Benjamin Marshall, Edward S. Buckley, Samuel Welsh, Samuel
R. Shipley, and F.G. Smith. Two of the books have no name
to identify the collector. Inside the cover of each book is
a list of other persons authorized to collect money for the
Subseries I: Correspondence (arranged alphabetically
by author) Boxes 9-11
Dealing specifically with loans managed by the Hospital,
much of the correspondence references transactions that took
place through either the Loan Office or the Pennsylvania Land
Company. It is especially evident in this subseries how intertwined
the finance and real estate functions of the Treasurer were.
Oversize materials are housed separately.
Subseries J: Estates and Trusts (arranged alphabetically)
Boxes 25.1, 25.2, 26-55
Encompassing a wide range of legacies received by the Hospital,
this subseries is one of the most comprehensive and complete
aspects of the collection. Unlike the bulk of the financial
records, the Estates and Trusts files carry through into the
1970s. These files detail investments, legal issues related
to specific estates, and correspondence between executors
and the Hospital Managers. Included in this subseries are
wills and records of Orphan’s Court rulings in some
- Box 25.1: Copies of Wills 1752-1927; Copies of Wills
1760s-1843; Legacies and Contributions 1760s- ; List of
Contributions, legacies, donations 1751-1897
Subseries K: Loan Office of 1773 Boxes 11, 56
This subseries consists of papers generated when Pennsylvania
Hospital Managers were made trustees of the State Loan Office,
from 1793-1806. Most of the loans the Office administered
were for the cost of mortgages. There were officers across
the state who collected on delinquent accounts or seized property
in the case of longstanding unpaid debts. Many of the records
in this subseries are listed by county. Oversize materials
are housed separately.
Subseries L: Minutes Box 57, 59-60
This subseries is relatively small, consisting mainly of
two bound volumes of Contributors’ and Real Estate committee
minutes. Also included are extracts of Managers’ minutes
related to purchases of land and other financial matters.
Once again, there is a fair amount of overlap between the
finance and real estate responsibilities of the Treasurer.
- Box 59: Contributors’ Minutes
- Box 60: Real Estate Committee Minutes
Subseries M: PA Land Company Box 57
These papers offer an account of monies granted by the British
Parliament to the Hospital, which were vested in the Pennsylvania
Land Company in London. The acquisition and transfer of these
funds were facilitated by John Fothergill and David Barclay
over the course of twenty years. The majority of material
detailing the activities of the Loan Office is grouped with
Subseries N: Power of Attorney Box 57
This subseries consists entirely of Power of Attorney documents,
most of which authorize the Hospital’s Treasurers to
act on behalf of the Contributors.
Subseries O: Receipts Boxes 58, 61
This is another small subseries, the bulk of which is made
up of books of check stubs.
Subseries P: Reports Boxes 58, 61
The majority of this subseries are miscellaneous committee
reports, with most committees only being represented by one
report. There is no historical continuity. The most interesting
item in this subseries is the Summary of Fiscal History, which
presents a picture of the first one hundred years of the Hospital’s
financial decisions, primarily using a series of tables that
graphically represent the Hospital’s gains and losses.
Series II: Treasurer, Real Estate
Subseries A: Accounts Boxes 62-63
Many of the properties owned by Pennsylvania Hospital were
managed by real estate agents who collected rent, paid bills
for the properties, and dealt with tenant issues. This subseries
is composed of the receipted bills and correspondence of these
agents. Because of variations in record-keeping, or the transfer
of records, some materials may have become separated from
the original grouping of receipts. These receipts may also
be located in subseries J: Taxes, as well as in series one,
subseries A: Accounts Payable, or in series three, subseries
C: Building/Repairs.
Subseries B: Correspondence Boxes 63-65
The Correspondence subseries consists of letters regarding
transfer of ownership, management, and purchase of land; much
of this correspondence references land owned by John Keble
and Emmor Kimber.
Subseries C: Deeds Box 65, 68, 68.1, flat files
Though small, this subseries is one of the most interesting
in the Real Estate papers because of the highly varied forms
of parchment and paper deeds included. The earliest deed is
from 1724, the latest from 1920. In addition to their utility
in tracing the ownership of various plots of land, the parchment
deeds are in excellent physical condition, making them fine
examples of real estate documents in the 18th century. Oversize
materials are housed separately.
Subseries D: Ground Rents Box 65
This subseries is comprised of records of payments by tenants,
leases for properties owned by the Hospital, and legal opinions
regarding actions taken with tenants.
Subseries E: Insurance Box 66, 68
This subseries consists of fire insurance policies from various
insurance companies. Oversize materials are housed separately.
Subseries F: Mortgages Boxes 61, 66, 68, 68.1, flat
Encompassing a wide range of document types, the Mortgages
subseries is comprised of bonds, title searches, mortgages,
receipts, and other miscellaneous papers. There is some overlap
between this subseries and the Properties subseries, though
the primary division is based on the fact that papers grouped
in the Mortgages subseries most often reference property owners
as opposed to the properties themselves. Oversize documents
are housed separately.
Subseries G: Properties Boxes 66-68
This subseries contains materials relating to the John Keble
and Emmor Kimber properties, including bonds, statements,
surveys, power of attorney documents, and titles. In addition
to the Keble and Kimber properties, there are records pertaining
to several properties in West Philadelphia.
Subseries H: Taxes Box 67
Though the majority of this subseries consists of bills
and receipts for taxes, a particularly interesting aspect
of this subseries is the group of correspondence and legal
opinions regarding the Hospital’s non-payment of taxes
in the early nineteenth century. Because of the Managers’
insistence that they should not have to pay taxes, some property
was liquidated at Sheriff’s sales. After several years
of protest, the Legislature ultimately granted the Hospital
its tax exempt status.
Series III: Steward/Superintendent
Subseries A: Apothecary Boxes 69-71, 141
This subseries is made up, primarily, of receipts for medicines
and medical supplies, such as syringes, catheters, crutches,
jars, alcohol, and other items purchased for the use of the
Apothecary shop. Oversize materials are housed separately.
- Boxes 69, 141: Inventories
Subseries B: Building/Repairs Boxes 72-78, 141
This subseries consists of bills for building materials
and maintenance work done at Hospital-owned properties. Oversize
materials are housed separately.
Subseries C: Cash Books Boxes 79-96
These bound volumes record the daily financial transactions
performed by the Steward and Matron. See also Ledgers, Monthly
Accounts, and Receipts.
- Box 79: Cash Books 1754-1755; 1758-1759; 1758-1760; 1761-1764;
1764-1769; 1767-1768; 1768-1776; 1776-1784
- Box 80: Cash Book 1789-1795; Cash Book 1795-1797
- Box 81: Cash Book 1797-1800; Cash Book 1800-1804
- Box 82: Cash Book 1804-1809; Cash Book 1809-1815
- Box 83: Cash Book 1815-1820
- Box 84: Cash Book 1820-1825
- Box 85: Cash Book 1825-1831
- Box 86: Cash Book 1831-1835
- Box 87: Cash Book 1835-1844
- Box 88: Cash Book 1844-1854
- Box 89: Cash Book 1854-1864
- Box 90: Cash Book 1864-1872
- Box 91: Cash Book 1872-1880
- Box 92: Cash Book 1880-1888
- Box 93: Cash Book 1888-1897
- Box 94: Cash Book 1897-1905
- Box 95: Cash Book 1905-1912
- Box 96: Cash Book 1912-1915
Subseries D: Ledgers Boxes 97-109
The Steward’s Ledgers list account debits and credits
for workers at the hospital, patient board, clothing and/or
funeral expenses, services provided, etc. These books also
record bad debts and the cost of materials. The accounts listed
in the Ledgers are a valuable source of information since
they detail the patients who were “sponsored”
by the account holders, providing notes about how long they
were in the hospital, and often their class or ethnic background.
- Box 97: Ledger A, 1781-1796; Ledger B, 1796-1802
- Box 98: Ledger C, 1801-1804
- Box 99: Ledger D, 1804-1816
- Box 100: Ledger E, 1812-1819
- Box 101: Ledger F, 1819-1833
- Box 102: Ledger G, 1831-1842
- Box 103: Ledger H, 1842-1860
- Box 104: Ledger I, 1861-1876
- Box 105: Ledger J (I: 2), 1873-1883
- Box 106: Ledger K, 1856-1906
- Box 107: Ledger L, 1906-1913
- Box 108: Accounts 1781-1784; Accounts 1781-1790; Hospital
Expenses 1920-1921; Miscellaneous Accounts
- Box 109: Accounts with Drug Companies, 1898-1900
Subseries E: Correspondence Boxes 78, 110-112.2
The Steward’s letter books contain a wide range of
correspondence—from orders of goods for hospital use
to reports on the condition of patients—in carbon copy
from either the Steward or the Secretary of the Board of Managers.
In addition to the letter books, there is a smattering of
correspondence from earlier time periods.
- Box 110: Superintendent's Letter Books 1884-1903, 1903-1906,
- Box 111: Superintendent's Letter Books 1909, 1909-1910,
- Box 112: Superintendent's Letter Books 1910-1911, 1911-1912
- Box 112.1: Superintendent's Letter Books 1912-1913, 1913-1914
- Box 112.2: Superintendent's Letter Books 1912-1915, 1914-1915,
Subseries F: Household Expenses Boxes 113-140, 141
This subseries consists almost entirely of receipts for
goods and/or services purchased. The expenses ranged from
butter and flour to clothing and coffins. In the cases where
goods were purchased for patients, the patients are often
identified by name. In an effort to simplify classification,
and because of ambiguity in some cases, items that would have
originally been broken down into categories such as “fodder”,
“incidentals”, “furniture”, etc. were
integrated into household expenses. For further specificity,
see the Cash Books and Monthly Account books, which provide
a succinct view of all the expenses for which the Steward
was responsible. Oversize materials are housed separately.
Subseries G: Monthly Accounts Boxes 142-146
These bound volumes offer a summary view of all expenses
handled by the Steward.
- Box 142: Monthly Accounts 1842-1848, 1848-1854, 1854-1861,
- Box 143: Monthly Accounts 1869-1876, 1876-1884, 1884-1892
- Box 144: Monthly Accounts 1892-1900, 1908-1914
- Box 145: Monthly Disbursements & Receipts 1824-1848,
Monthly Disbursements & Receipts 1848-1860, Monthly
Accounts 1900-1908
- Box 146: Monthly Accounts 1908-1912, 1913-1917
Subseries H: Receipts Boxes 147-165
This subseries is made up entirely of bound volumes, in
which the Steward recorded cash received, wages paid, and
checks written. There are numerous entries in the category
of “special nursing” that are recorded in conjunction
with the patient’s name.
- Box 147: Cash Received for Drugs 1909-1915; Check Stubs
1883-1884, 1884-1886, 1886-1888, 1888-1891
- Box 148: Receipt Books 1795-1796, 1796-1797, 1797, 1797-1800
- Box 149: Receipt Books 1800-1802, 1802-1804, 1804-1808,
- Box 150: Receipt Books 1810-1812, 1813-1815, 1815-1817,
- Box 151: Receipt Books 1819-1821, 1821-1823, 1823-1825,
1825-1827, 1827-1829, 1829-1831
- Box 152: Receipt Books 1831-1833, 1833-1837, 1839-1843
- Box 153: Receipt Books 1843-1849, 1849-1862, 1850-1852
- Box 154: Receipt Books 1853-1854, 1855-1858, 1858-1861,
- Box 155: Receipt Books 1866-1868, 1868-1876, 1871-1873
- Box 156: Receipt Books 1873-1875, 1875-1877, 1877-1879,
- Box 157: Receipt Books 1884-1885, 1885-1887, 1903-1907
- Box 158: Receipt Books 1907-1911, 1911-1913, 1913-1915,
- Box 159: Miscellaneous Accounts 1912-1918, Receipts 1916
- Box 160: Receipts for Wages 1885-1887, 1887-1894, 1894-1898
- Box 161: Receipts for Wages 1898-1901, 1901-1904
- Box 162: Receipts for Wages 1904-1907, 1907-1910
- Box 163: Receipts for Wages 1910-1913, 1913-1915
- Box 164: Receipts for Wages 1915-1917, 1917-1918
- Box 165: Receipts for Wages 1918-1920, 1920-1921
Subseries I: Services/Wages Box 166
This subseries contains bills and receipts for services
performed by contracted employees. The variety of services
is wide-ranging—there are the mundane tasks of making
clothes and cleaning the privy, as well as more notable services
such as preparing bodies for burial.
return to top
In its earliest years, the Hospital was administered by a
Matron or by a Steward or by a steward and matron working
together. At this time the Steward often doubled as the Apothecary.
After 1760, however, the Steward emerged as the highest executive
officer of the Hospital. He took charge of disbursements for
routine expenditures and of the supervision of the housekeeping
staff and other employees, responsibilities which increased
as the Hospital grew; and by the middle of the nineteenth
century he had begun to play a role in policy-making. Reflecting
the change in emphasis of the job, the title was changed at
the end of the century, first to "Steward and Superintendent,"
then to "Superintendent," and by 1929 to "Administrator."
The chief executive officers of the Hospital, regardless of
their titles, were always appointed by the Board and served
at its pleasure.
Attending Managers' Monthly Reports, 1842 - 1915.
Pennsylvania Hospital Receipts, March 1915 -May 1915. Receipts
for patient accounts and hospital department accounts. One
Pennsylvania Hospital Voucher Registers, 1915 - 1919, 1921,
in two volumes. Receipts for patient accounts and other hospital
department accounts: administration, social service, electricity,
Linen Room Records, 1901 - 1922, in three volumes: 1901 -
1913; 1913 - 1917; 1917 - 1922.
Store Room Records, 1901 - 1921, in five volumes: 1901 -
1905; 1905 - 1909; 1909 - 1913; 1913 - 1917; 1917 - 1921.
Central Supply Record Book, 1933.
Pennsylvania Hospital Inventory Books, ca.1923 - 1924. Quantities
on hand, quantities given out. Three volumes.
Record of distribution of Aprons, Towels, Face cloths, etc.,
among Staff, Nurses, Officers, Wards, etc., in three volumes:
1905 - 1908, 1909 - 1910, 1914 - 1917.
Superintendent-Steward. Miscellaneous letters 1905 - 1909.
Superintendent-Steward. Monthly reports to the Board of Managers,
1881, 1892 - 1901, in one box. Similar material is filed in
Board of Managers. Miscellaneous papers, 1880 - 1928.
Cash Book, X-Ray Department (?), 1919 - 1923, in two volumes.
Mail Office Book, 1919 - 1921, in one volume.
Paymaster's Account Books, 1921 - 1922, in two volumes. Kept
by T. D. Hendricks and E. M. Gilmore.
Elevator Operators, 1929 - 1931. Time Book for elevator operators.
Admission Desk Receipts, 1921 - 1923, in three volumes.
Administrative files, ca. 1939 - 1946, of material relating
to World War II, in four boxes.
Administrative files, 1940, of general correspondence. (Correspondence
mostly of former Administrator Mr. Hatfield.)
Administrative files, 1950 - 1960, of general correspondence.
return to top
List of medical students entitled to privilege of attending
practice and use of the Library, 1814 - 1887, in two volumes.
For students, see also lists at end of Attending Managers'
Accounts for 1789 - 1815.
Notebook of Benjamin Morris, ca. 1750.
Lecture notes taken by (Reading Beatty?), 1779 - 1783, in
one volume.
Memorandum Book kept by Benjamin Horner Coates, 1793, in
one volume.
Notes from Dr. Physick's lectures, taken by Constans Curtin
in winters of 1807 - 1808, 1808 - 1809.
Notebook kept by Thomas Chalkley James, 1814 - 1818: list
of his students, selected weather observations, titles of
lectures in his course on obstetrics. See also his scrapbooks
of mortality tables.
Lecture notes taken from Mr. (Samuel?) Cooper's surgical
lectures, Oct. 7 - (Nov. 16?), 1818.
Lecture notes taken at Medical Clinic , 1847 - 1848, Dr.
(George B. ) Wood, in one volume.
John H. Gibbon. M.D. Diploma, Jefferson Medical College,
Joseph Parrish. Memorabilia, 1802 - 1837.
General material, loose papers: rules for appointment of
staff, lists of pupils, University of Pennsylvania's proposal
for Hospital teaching, application of women students, etc.
In one box, arranged chronologically. Followed by material
on individual apothecaries. Material ca. 1752 - 1858.
Material on individual physicians: applications, resignations,
correspondence, etc. In three boxes, arranged alphabetically
by names of physicians, prefaced by typed list of names included.
Material ca. 1773 - 1859.
Bradbury, Dr. Samuel. Out-patient Department. Director's
Notebook, 1928 - 1931, in one volume. Kept by Bradbury.
Coates, Benjamin Horner. Diploma of five years' service.
Course Book, 1888, in one volume.
Fisher, Henry MI Notebook, 1881 - 1889, in one volume.
Medical Staff, Lists of, Compiled ca. 1891, one volume.
Medical Staff--Obstetrics and Gynecology. Minutes and correspondence,
1929 - 1950, in seven volumes and one box. Continuation from
Phila, Lying-in Charity. The seven volumes (loose-leaf) contain
minutes. The box contains correspondence, visitors' registers,
miscellaneous and loose material removed from minute book
for 1924 - 1929.
For earlier records of above, see Series 8: Affiliates.
Phila. Lying-in Charity. Medical Staff. Minutes, 1924 - 1929,
in one volume.
Physicians. Individual - Applications, acknowledgments, resignations,
correspondence. Arranged by last name of physician.
Medical Staff. Resolutions, ca. 1902 - 1910, in one volume.
Meigs, Arthur V. Hospital Notes, 1880 - 1894, in five boxes.
Gibbons, John H. M.D. Memorabilia, donated by Mrs. Winthrop
H. Bartles (Battles?) (1420 Locust Street).
- Letter from JGH to his father, Dr. Robert
Gibbons in Charlotte, April 1893 re: his appointment to
PA Hospital.
- Clippings and copies from newspaper ,
- Newspaper clippings re: Evac. Hosp. No.
10 and U.S. Base Hosp. No.20, 1917 - 1918.
- Major Gibbons memorandum book from
Feb. 1918.
- Large Memo book (blue) from Base Hosp.
- War records, official correspondence,
including commissions and honorable discharge of May 1919.
- Reports form Evac. Hosp. No. 1 c. 1918;
"Observations on
- Surgical Organization: 1st Div. A.E.F.
& Evac. Hosp."; info about wound categories. In
- "The First Book of Munitions called
Genesis" private correspondence from Sir Alexander
Lawrence, 1918.
- Telegram (Duty Orders), 1917.
- Engraving by W.E. Tucker (matted), drawn
by McArthur, of PA Hospital, n.d.
- Photo print of PA Hospital Memorial Pavilions
on Spruce Street, F. Gutekeunst, Phila., n.d.
- Blue index cards re: RHG performing the
first open-heart surgery in the country.
- "Memoir of JHG (1871 - 1956)"
reprinted form
- Transactions & Studies by John B.
Flick, M.D. This folder includes biographical notes and
three military commissions, 1919 -1924.
- Correspondence between Mrs. Bartles and
Mrs. Morris and John Clark and Mr. & Mrs. Bartles.
1. JHG with nurse, another man by desk (cat on desk).
2. JHG (in tub), Francis R. Packard on right, [another
3. Surgery in progress, four doctors, 6-7 spectators in
4. Seven people by blackboard with chest anatomy drawn
on it. R-L.: nurse, doctor, patient, doc?, doc? Seated,
patient, JHG?.
5. JHG seated at desk.
6. Surgery in amphitheatre, 1894. JHG, John S. Packard,
4 other men, patient, 4 nurses, no spectators.
7. Surgery in progress, JHG at right(?), 5 other men (including
8. Several photos in envelope of JGH in London, 1918.
Mitchell, Charles Franklin. Diplomas and Certificates, arranged
- Auxiliary Department of Medicine Certificate.
- Diploma of Practical Obstetrics and Diseases
of Females. 1898.
- Certificate of Services to American Ambulance,
Dec, 1915 to March 1916. 2 copies.
- First Lieutenant of the Medical Reserve
Corps, 1916.
- Appointed Captain in the Medical Section.
- Appointed First Lieutenant in the Medical
Section. 1917.
- Societatis Chirurgiae American. 1917.
- Appointed Major in the Medical Section.
- Honorable Discharge from the Military
Service in the United States Army, 1919.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical Corps, by the
U. S. Army. 1919.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical,Jby the Officers'
- Corps Of the D. S. Army. 1923.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical, by the U.
S. Army. 1928.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical Corps, by the
U. S. Army. 1932.
- Appointed Colonel in the Medical Corps
by the B.S. Army. 1937.
- Appointed Colonel, Inactive, by the U.
S. Army. 1937.
- Appointed a Reserve Commissioned Officer,
Grade of Colonel, by the U. S. Army, 1953.
Charles Franklin Mitchell. Base Hospital 10 collection, one
box. Donated by Miss Anne F. Mitchell, daughter of C.F. Mitchell.
Out-patient Department. Physicians' Attendance Records, 1908
- 1927, in seven volumes.
Packard, Francis Randolph. Medical Historical Society of
the Pennsylvania Hospital. Minutes, 1931 - 1941, in one volume.
Packard, Francis Randolph, Diary, 1881 - 1919. Original typed
manuscripts, and photocopies up to 1919. Encompassing the
R. Packard. Reprints
of thirteen of his approximately forty published scientific
articles. Covers 1897 - 1916, arranged chronologically. Including:
Francis R. Packard. Reprints of 27 of his approximately 97
published Historical articles. Covers 1902 - 1949. Arranged
chronologically. Including:
- 1902: "The resurrectionists of London
and Edinburgh. " Reprinted from M. News 81: 64 - 73.
One copy.
- 1903: "The author of 'Rab and his
friends,' Dr. John Brown, of Edinburgh." Reprinted
from MI Lib. and Hist. J. 1: 77-89. Read at a meeting of
the Johns Hopkins Historical Club, Jan. 12, 1903. 7 copies.
- ca. 1905: "A brief sketch of the
early history of medical education in Philadelphia."
Reprinted from "Philadelphia as a medical center."
Phila., Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine.
One copy.
- 1907: "Early medical libraries in
America; being an account of the libraries of the Pennsylvania
Hospital and of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia."
Reprinted from M. Lib. and Hist. J. 5: 96-108. Read before
the MLA of Brooklyn, May 13, 1907. 1 copy.
- 1911: "Some early books on the education
of the deaf." Reprinted from Laryngoscope 21: 1065-1068.
Read at the meeting of the American Ontological Society.
June 27, 1911. Eleven copies.
- 1914: "The gold-headed cane and its
author, William MacMichael." Reprinted from Bull. M.
Lib. Assoc. N. S. 4: 1-11. Read at the 17th annual meeting
of the MLA, June 22-23, 1914, Atlantic City. Eight copies.
- 1920: "Sir William Osler and the
library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia."
Reprinted from Trans. Cell. Phys. Phila. 3rd. Read before
the College March 3, 1920. Seventeen copies.
- 1924: "References to syphilis in
the plays of Shakespeare." Reprinted from Ann. M. Hist.
6: 194-200. Three copies.
- 1929: "Harvey and the tercentenary
celebration of his book 'De motu cordis et sanguinis hominis'
by the Royal College of Physicians of London." Reprinted
from Bull. M. Lib. Assoc. 18: 5-14. Address delivered before
the MLA Sept. 1928. 14 copies.
- 1930: "Some historical considerations
on the removal of tonsils." Reprinted from Practitioner
124: 59-66. 1 copy.
- 1930: 'William and John Hunter: a study
in contrasts." Reprinted from Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med,
2d s. 6: 664-667. Abstract of addresses read before the
Section on Historical and Cultural Medicine, N.Y. Academy
of Medicine. 9 copies.
- 1931: "The Pennsylvania Hospital."
(Priv. Pr.) Two copies.
- 1931: "How London and Edinburgh influenced
medicine in Philadelphia in the eighteenth century."
Reprinted from Ann. M. Hist. N. S. 4: 219- 244 . Weir Mitchell
Oration VI College of Physicians of Phila., Nov. 18 , 1931.
13 copies.
- 1931: "William Osler, the men and
institutions with which he was associated in Philadelphia."
Reprinted from Canad. M. Assoc. J. N.S. 27: 117-125. Osler
Oration II. Canadian Medical Association, June 22, 1932.
7 copies.
- 1933: "Ambroise Pare" Reprinted
from Lectures on the history of medicine: a series of lectures
at the Mayo foundation and the universities of Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern and the Des Moines Academy
of Medicine, 1926/1932, Phila., Saunders, 1933. 7 copies.
- 1937: "William Cheselden: some of
his contemporaries and their American pupils." Reprinted
from Ann. M. Hist. N. S. 9: 533-548. 1 copy.
- 1937: "Memoir of Dr. William Johnson
Taylor." Reprinted from Trans. and Stud. Coll. Phys.
Phila., 4th S. 4: iv-vii. 4 copies.
- 1937: "The College of Physicians
of Philadelphia from its centennial in 1887 to 1925."
Reprinted from Trans. and Stud. Cell. Phys. Phila.. 4th
S. 4, Suppl.: 89-116. Address at the celebration, May 15,
1937, of the 150th Anniversary of the founding
of the College. 3 copies.
- 1940: "The conquest of surgical pain."
Priv. Pr. 48 pp. Jayne Memorial Lecture, American Philosophical
Society, March 27, 1940. 6 copies.
- 1941: "A great physician's contributions
to scholarship and literature (Osler)." Priv. Pr. 20
pp. Annual Athenaeum Address, the Athenaeum of Phila., Feb.
3, 1941. 3 copies.
- 1941: "Memoir of Arthur Newlin, M.
D. Reprinted from Trans. and Stud. Cell. Phys. Phila. 4th
S. 9t 184-186. 1 copy.
- 1942: "Medicine and the American
Philosophical Society." Reprinted from Proc. Am. Philos.
Sec.86: 91-102. 1 copy.
- 1942: "Herbert Fox." Reprinted
from Year Book of the American Philosophical Society, p.
349-350. Seven copies.
- 1942: "Medical case histories in
a colonial hospital." Reprinted from Bull. Hist. Med,
12: 145-168. Fielding H. Garrison Lecture, American Association
of the History of Medicine. 3 copies.
- 1949: 'William Osler in Philadelphia,
1884-1889." Reprinted from Arch. Intern, Med. 84: 18-25.
Sir William Osler memorial number. 5 copies.
- "The Oldest Hospital in the United
States, A Question of Priority." Reprinted from 184th
Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital. 9 copies.
- "Two Early American Botanists and
the Pennsylvania Hospital." Reprinted from 190th Annual
Report of the Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital. 1 copy.
For a more complete list of historical works written
or edited by Francis R. Packard, see the reference cited
above under Scientific Reprints.
Francis R. Packard. Bound book of 23 of his Reprints. (Book
A) Covers 1897 - 1905. Not in chronological order. Including:
- 1901: "Aural Manifestations of Syphilis."
Reprinted from JI A.. M. A. 36: 316-320. Read in part before
the Section on Otology and Laryngology, College of Physicians,
Philadelphia, March 21, 1900.
- 1899: "Syphilitic Perichondritis
of the Auricle." Reprinted from the Phila. M. J. 3:
1824. Read before the Section on Otology and Laryngology,
College of Physicians, Philadelphia, May 17, 1899.
- 1904: "The Military Services of the
First Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania," Reprinted
from Univ. of Pa. M. Bull,, Jan., 16: 393-398. Read before
the Medical Society of the Univ. of Penna., Dec. 18, 1903.
- 1903: "Memoir of Charles Henry Burnett,
A. M., M. D." Reprinted from Trans. Cell. Phys. Phila.,
3rd ser. 25: XLI I I-L. Read before the College, March 4,
- 1904: "The value of early incision
of the membrana tympani in the treatment of acute suppuration
of the middle ear." Reprinted from M. News: 85: 534.
Read by title at the meeting of the American Laryngological,
Rhinological and Otological Society, June, 1904.
- 1902: "The resurrectionists of London
and Edinburgh." Reprinted from M. News 81: 64-73. Read
before the Book and Journal Club, Baltimore.
- 1900: "Some old certificates of proficiency
in medicine." Reprinted from Phila. M. J. 5: 590-592.
Read before the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Jan.
3, 1900.
- 1898: "A healthy regiment, and the
reason it was so." Reprinted from Charlotte M. J· 13:
545 - 548.
- 1902: "The medical history of Dr.
Samuel Johnson," Reprinted from N.Y.M.J. 75: 441-445.
- 1904: "The history of some famous
quacks." Reprinted from Bull, J. Hopkins Hosp. 15:
316-323, Read before the Johns Hopkins Historical Club,
April 11, 1904.
- 1903: "The author of 'Rab and his
friends,' Dr. John Brown, of Edinburgh." Reprinted
from M. Lib. & Hist. J. 1: 77-89. Read at a meeting
of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Historical Club, April 11,
- 1899: "Early methods of medical Education
in North America. " Reprinted from J.A.M.A. 32: 635-640.
Read before the H. C. Wood Society of the University of
Pennsylvania, Jan. 12, 1899.
- 1900: "The earliest recorded autopsies
in America," Reprinted from Phila, M. J. 5: 410. Read
before the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, Dec. 28,
- 1897: "An analysis of two hundred
and twenty-one cases of foreign body introduced into the
male bladder per urethram, with report of a recent case."
Reprinted from Ann. Surg. 25: 568-599.
- 1905: "On the conservative treatment
of chronic middle ear suppuration, " Reprinted from
M. Fortnightly 27: 213-215.
- 1897: "Scarlatiniform eruptions following
operation or traumatism." Reprinted from M. News 70:
- 1897: "Amaurosis following intranasal
operation, with a review of some of the uncommon results
of operations within the nose ." Reprinted from M,
News 71: 465-467.
- 1902: "Report of a case of repid
necrosis of the temporal bone following scarlet fever."
Reprinted from Ann. Otol., Rhin., and Laryng, 11: 505-506.
- 1902: "Somnolence and loss of memory
resulting from cholesteatoma of the middle ear." Reprinted
from M. News 80: .446-447. Read before the Section on Otology
and Laryngology of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia,
Jan. 15,1902.
- 1899: "Traumatic perforations of
the membrana tympani." Reprinted from Proc. Phila.
County M. Sec. 20: 309-320. Read before the Philadelphia
County Medical Society, Dec, 13, 1899.
- 1898: "Reflex disturbances of nasal
origin." Reprinted from Phila. M. J, 2: 133-136. Read
before the Judson Daland Medical Society of the University
of Pennsylvania in Feb., 1898.
- 1903: "The etiology of nasal polypi,
with especial reference to their association with other
pathological conditions." Reprinted from Am. J. M.
Sec./ N.S. 126: 824-832.
- 1900: "Living animal organisms in
the ear." Reprinted from Carolina M. J. 46: 121 - 125.
Read at the Meeting of the Medical Society of the State
of Pennsylvania, Wilkes-Barre, Sept. 20, 1900.
Francis R. Packard. Bound books of nineteen of his Off-prints,
(Book C.) Covers 1897-1905, not in chronological order. Including:
Francis R. Packard. Bound Book of 20 of his Off-prints. (Book
D.) Covers 1885-1903, not in chronological order.
- 1902: "The resurrectionists of London
and Edinburgh."
- 1897: "Scarlatiniform Eruptions following
Operation or Traumatism."
- 1888: "On some of the surgeons of
the last century." Reprinted from Canadian Practitioner,
Toronto, Feb. Read before the Meeting of the Ontario Medical
Association, June 8.
- 1885: "The Great advances in Surgery,
and how they have been made." Reprinted from Phila.
Medical Times, Jan. 24. Being the Annual Address before
the Academy of Surgery of Philadelphia, delivered Jan. 5.
- 1903: "The etiology of Nasal Polypi,
with especial reference to their association with other
Pathological Conditions."
- 1903: "The Author of 'Rab and His
Friends,' Dr. John Brown, of Edinburgh."
- 1897: "An Analysis of two hundred
and twenty-one cases of foreign body introduced into the
male bladder per urethram, with report of a recent case."
- 1897: "Amaurosis following intranasal
operation, with a review of some of the uncommon results
of operations within the Nose."
- 1898: "Reflex disturbances of nasal
- 1898: "A healthy regiment, and the
reason it was so."
- 1899: "Early Methods of Medical Education
in North America. "
- 1899: "Syphilitic perichondritis
of the auricle."
- 1900: "Living animal organisms in
the ear."
- 1899: "Traumatic perforations of
the membrana tympani."
- 1900: "The earliest recorded autopsies
in America."
- 1900: "Some old certificates of proficiency
in medicine."
- 1900: "Medical societies in this
country founded prior to the year 1787." (2 copies).
- 1900: "Aural manifestations of syphilis."
- 1901: "The difficulties attendant
upon the proper treatment of diseases of the ear in dispensary
- 1902: "The Medical History of Dr.
Samuel Johnson."
Francis R. Packard. 12 original ink-wash drawings of anatomy,
of which at least 10 are part of a series of at least 38 drawings.
None are dated. Including:
The following were numbered by Packard:
- #3: skeletal; fractures of jawbone and
clavicle, and a scapula, signed on back.
- #6: skeletal foot, signed on back.
- #10: skeletal anatomy, signed on back.
- #11: skeletal; fractures of humerus, ulna,
and radius, signed on back.
- #13: skeletal; deformed hips and femurs,
and a normal femur, signed on back.
- #20: skeletal; foot with a fracture, signed
on front and back.
- #22: thumb, skeletal thumb, and skeletal
hands and wrist, signed on back.
- #26: skeletal; both sides of pelvis and
upper necks of femurs, signed on back.
- #28: skeletal; tibia, femurs, and radius
of a dog, labeled by Packard on the drawing, signed on back.
- #38: skeletal; gunshot fracture, labeled
by Packard on the drawing, signed on back.
Francis R. Packard, Memorabilia. Including:
- Scrap book; ca. 1917 - 1918.
- Printed announcements of lectures, memberships
and books; invitations to and programs of lectures; ca.
1928 - 1942; filed in chronological order.
- Packard's personal copy of "A Handbook
of Operative Surgery" by John H. Packard, 1870, with
F. R. Packard's personal notes.
- Autographed copy of Packard's "Some
Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1751-1938. Belonged
to Bertha E. Kemmerer. Along with photographs, clippings,
literature about the hospital that also belonged to Ms.
- Original letters, certificates, acknowledgments;
ca. 1920-1955; filed in chronological order.
- Photographs, including some clippings
and photographs which belonged to Mrs. Peyton R. Biddle.
- Articles and Memoirs on Francis Packard,
Frederick Packard, and John Packard.
Francis, R. Packard. Papers of Miss Florence M. Greim, Secretary
to Administrator, concerning publication of Dr. Packard's
History of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Box 6. Including:
History of Pennsylvania Hospital. Lectures prepared by Miss
Greim, prior to 1954. Donated by Miss Joyce Cooper.
Photograph Album, ca. 1890, in 1 volume.
Resident Physicians. Memorabilia, 1900-1975, in 1 volume.
Wilson, Dr. T. C. A Record of cases treated by Hot Air apparatus,
1897 - 1898, in one volume. Kept by Wilson.
Pennsylvania Hospital History System (two identical copies).
Describes standard system of Pennsylvania Hospital for taking
patient Histories. Dated June, 1927.
Smith, Samuel B., Student of Medicine, 1807
Loulher, James M., Artis Medicinae Doctorem, 1865.
Souther, James. M., Artis Medicinae Doctorem, 1865.
return to top
State law 50 P.S. 7111 prohibits the use of all patient
mental health records.
The Pennsylvania Hospital closes non-mental health patient
records for 100 years. Records older than 100 years are open
for researchers to view. All non-patient related material
is closed for 75 years from its creation. Certain restrictions
might still apply on specific records.
Book of Patients, 1781 - 1788, 1791 - 1796, in two volumes.
Brief summary of admissions including discharge date.
Admission forms, roughly sorted by year, 1752 - 1856, in
66 boxes.
Admissions and Discharges, 1804 - 1927, in 44 volumes.
Daily lists of patients in both categories, chronological
and concurrent. Admission data, 1864-1825, include name, diagnosis,
security, pay or poor patient, but not discharge date. In
1825, country of origin was added, and in 1829, occupation,
age, color, marital status. Discharge data, 1804-1852, include
name, result of treatment, pay or poor patient, Beginning
1853, discharge date is added to admission information, to
provide complete case history in each entry. Prior to 1804,
most of this admission and discharge data is available from
the Managers' Minutes and the Annual Accounts.
- A & D, Feb. 1804 - Sept. 1808, At
end: names of students that have taken out certificates.
- A & D, Sept. 1808 - May 1812.
- A & D, June l8l2 - June 1816.
- A & D, June 1816 - April 1821.
- A & D, April 1821 - Jan. 1827, At
end: Certificates granted for women to Lying-In, July 1824
- Nov, 1826.
- A & D, Jan. 1827 - ept. 1829. At end:
Orders granted pregnant women into Lying-In Ward, May 1827
- Sept. 1829.
- A & D, Oct. 1829 - Dec. 1833. At end:
Orders out, Lying-In Wards, Oct. 1829 - Nov. 1833.
- A & D, Dec. 1833 - 1837.
- A & D, March 1837 - June 1840. At
end: Certificates issued for Lying-In Ward, May 1837 - May
- A & D, April 1840 - April 1846.
- A & D, April 1846 - July 1848. At
end: Certificates issued to pregnant women, Jan. - July
- A & D, July 1848 - July 1850.
- A & D, July 1850 - Dec. 1852.
- A & D, Jan. 1853 - Dec. 1856. Beginning
with this volume, the discharge date is added to each admission
entry, and separate daily listing of discharges is given
- A & D, 1855 - 1859.
- A & D, 1859 - 1863.
- A & D, 1863 - 1867.
- A & D, 1867 - 1871.
- A & D, 1871 - 1875.
- A & D, 1875 - 1880.
- A & D, 1880 - 1884.
- A & D, 1884 - 1888.
- A & D, 1888 - 1892.
- A & D, 1892 - 1895.
- A & D, 1895 - 1897.
- A & D, 1897 - 1899.
- A & D, 1899 - 1901.
- A & D, 1901 - 1903.
- A & D, 1903 - 1904.
- A & D, 1904 - 1906.
- A & D, 1906 - 1908.
- A & D, 1908 - 1910.
- A & D, 1910 - 1912.
- A & D, 1912 - 1914.
- A & D, 1914 - 1916.
- A & D, 1916 - 1917.
- A & D, 1917 - 1919.
- A & D, 1919 - 1920.
- A & D, 1920 - 1921.
- A & D, 1922 - 1923.
- A & D, 1923 - 1924.
- A & D, 1924 - 1925.
- A & D, 1925 - 1926.
- A & D, 1926 - 1927.
Brief summary of each admission, April 27, 1811 - Dec, 31,
1852, in 2 volumes. Data include only name, serial number,
diagnosis, result of treatment, discharge date, pay or poor
patient; entries arranged chronologically by date of admission,
From 1811 - 1834, an Abstract of Cases is added at the end
of April in each year. Discharges go through 1853.
Patients' Treatments and Results, 1872 - 1873, in two volumes.
Admission data of each patient, diagnosis, brief history,
summary of treatments and results.
Alphabetical listing of patients in Hospital, circa 1816
- 1926, in 17 volumes. In each volume, all names beginning
with same initial are grouped together but kept in admission
order. Each group begins with names of patients admitted earlier
but remaining in Hospital or discharged during period covered
by volumes. Formats vary somewhat: e.g., some include diagnosis
and discharge date, while others include only admission date.
- Alphabetical listing, circa 1816- May
- Alphabetical listing, 1826 - April 1833.
- Alphabetical listing, 1833 - April 1841.
Contains number of entries for transfers to newly built
Hospital for the Insane.
- Alphabetical listing, 1841 -April 1848.
- Alphabetical listing, 1848 - Dec. 1852.
- Alphabetical listing, 1853 - Nov. 1866.
- Alphabetical listing, 1866 - 1880.
- Alphabetical listing, 1881 - 1891.
- Alphabetical listing, 1891 - 1898.
- Alphabetical listing, 1899 - 1900.
- Alphabetical listing. 1899- 1903.
Admissions Book, 1882 - 1884. Patients listed chronologically
by admission number. Data include name, age, date, occupation,
birthplace, diagnosis, and physician's progress notes.
Pennsylvania Hospital, Record of Patients, Dec. 1947- Aug.
1948. Lists admission and discharge dates, ward number, home
Admissions and Discharges, 1922 - 1924, Number of patients
admitted and discharged each day, and totals--i.e, a census
Receiving Ward admissions. Index, 1898 - 1930, 1933 - 1937,
in 16 volumes.
Alphabetical List of admissions and discharges.
Hospital for the Insane, 1841 - 1860, At end: List of persons
employed, 1846 - (1848). Institute of Penna. Hospital.
Pennsylvania Hospital. Patient accounts and receipts, 1915
- 1920, thumb-indexed, five volumes.
Pennsylvania Hospital. Receipts, 1915 - 1921. One volume.
Patients' Bills, 1912 - 1917, in two volumes.
Patients' Expenses, 1921 - 1923, 1930 - 1935, in three volumes.
Patient Ledger Book, June 1922 - Sept. 1923. Lists all charges
for each patient.
Account Book, 1912 - 1918. Patient accounts.
Accounting--Patient Charges and Payments Records, 1916 -
Accounts of Collector of the Port and Agent for Marine Hospital,
for care of U.S. seamen, 1818 - 1897, in five volumes. For
earlier records, see Steward's Ledgers and admission forms,
1800 - 1809.
Admissions for U.S. seamen, 1800 - 1809, rough-sorted by
year, in four boxes.
Accounts of pay patients, 1752 in one volume.
Accounts of House of Employment and Overseers of the Poor
with Hospital, 1784 - 1789, in one volume. With miscellaneous
loose papers concerned mainly with suit of Hospital against
House of Employment, 1789 - 1791.
Immigration Bureau. Record of Immigrants sent to Pennsylvania
Hospital, 1909 - 1910, in one volume.
Report of the Officer of Hygiene, Dr. Frank Woodberry, 1874
- 1875, in one volume.
Clothing Book, May 1, 1813 - Feb. 26, 1829, in one volume.
Bills and receipts for clothing for patients, ca. 1800 -
1825, in two boxes.
Deposit Book, 1891 - 1908, 1915 - 1918, in 8 volumes. Records
of patients' belongings deposited upon their entrance to the
Patients' Articles, 1931 - 1934, in three volumes. Articles
received by patients by mail or delivery, e.g, flowers, packages.
Scrapbook of Mortality tables and related material compiled
by Thomas C. James, including Philadelphia tables from 1807
to 1837, in two volumes.
The two volumes are duplicates, but with some varying inserted
information. Inserted information includes unique items of
assorted statistical data, including cities other than Philadelphia,
for example, Statistical Chart, London, 1701 - 1776.
Autopsy Records, Oct. 3, 1853 - Sept, 10, 1861, in one volume.
At end: extracts from texts or lectures on bandages, salivation,
aneurysm and German synonyms.
Collection of cases, ca. 1803 - 1834, in two volumes, ("Hospital
Record of Accidents, 1852 - 1854, 1866 - 1883 in three volumes,
For later records, see Casualty Books.
Casualty Books,
1884 - 1942, 1953 - 1957, 1959 - 1960, 1962 - 1963, in 98
volumes. (Later records available.) Men separated from
women and children through 1898, combined thereafter.
- Casualties (women and children), 1884
- 1889.
- Casualties (women and children), 1889
- 1893.
- Casualties (women and children), 1893
- 1898.
- Casualties
- (men), 1884 - 1885.
- (men), 1895 - 1896.
- (men), 1885 - 1887.
- (men), 1896 - 1898.
- (men), 1887 - 1889.
- (men), 1889 - 1891.
- (men), 1891 - 1892.
- (men), 1892 - 1894
- (men), 1895 - 1896.
- (men), 1896 - 1898.
- Casualties
- 1898.
- 1898 - 1899.
- 1899 - 1900.
- 1900 - 1901.
- 1901 - 1902.
- 1902 - 1903.
- 1903 - 1904.
- 1904.
- 1904 - 1905.
- 1905 - 1906.
- 1906 - 1907
- 1907.
- 1907 - 1908.
- 1909.
- 1909 - 1910.
- 1910 - 1911,
- 1911
- 1911 - 1912,
- 1912
- 1912 - 1913
- 1913
- 1913 - 1914
- 1914 (1)
- 1914 (2)
- 1914 - 1915.
- 1915 - 1916.
- June - Dec. 1916.
- Dec. 1916 - July 1917.
- Casualties. July 1917- April 1918.
- Casualties, April - Nov. 1918.
- Casualties, Nov. 1918 - April 1919,
- Casualties, July 1919 - April 1920.
- Casualties, April - Nov. 1920.
- Casualties, Nov. 1920 - April 1921.
- Casualties, July 1921 - March 1922,
- Casualties, 1922.
- Casualties, March 1922 - April 1923.
- Casualties, April - Oct. 1923.
- Casualties, 1923 - 1924.
- Casualties, 1924.
- Casualties, 1924 - 1925.
- Casualties. 1925.
- Casualties, 1925 - 1926.
- Casualties, April 1926 - Oct. 1926.
- Casualties, 1926 - 1927.
- Casualties, 1927.
- Casualties, Nov. 1927 - Feb. 1928.
- Casualties, 1928.
- Casualties, Sept. 1928 - Feb. 1929.
- Casualties, June 1929 - Sept. 1929,
- Casualties, Aug. 1930 - Feb. 1931.
- Casualties, 1930.
- Casualties, 1931 - 1932,
- Casualties, 1930 - 1933.
- Casualties, 1931.
- Casualties, June 1931 - Oct, 1931.
- Casualties, Oct, 1931 - Dec, 1931.
- Casualties, July 1932 - Nov. 1932.
- Casualties, 1932.
- Casualties, 1932 - 1933.
- Casualties, 1933.
- Casualties, 1933.
- Casualties, 1933 - 1934.
- Casualties, 1934 - 1935.
- Casualties, 1935.
- Casualties, 1935 - 1936.
- Casualties, 1936,
- Casualties, 1936.
- Casualties, 1936 - 1937.
- Casualties, 1937.
- Casualties, 1937 - 1938.
- Casualties, 1938.
- Casualties, July 1938 - Oct. 1938
- Casualties, 1938 - 1939.
- Casualties, 1939.
- Casualties, 1939 - 1940.
- Casualties, April 1940 - July 1940.
- Casualties, April 1940 - July 1940.
- Casualties, Jan. 1941 - Sept, 1941.
- Casualties, Sept, 1941 - May 1942.
- Casualties, 1953 - 1954.
- Casualties, Aug. 1954 - July 1955.
- Casualties, Aug. 1955 - Aug. 1956.
- Casualties, 1956 - 1957.
- Casualties, 1957.
- Casualties, Aug. 1959 - July 1960.
- Casualties, 1962 - 1963.
Ambulance Records, 1877 - 1881, 1884 - 1928, in six volumes.
Out-Patients attended and supplied from the Dispensary of
the Hospital, April 1797 - April 1817, in one volume, with
annual abstracts.
Out-Patient Department (OPD), Medical Case Books, 1872 -
1883, in eleven volumes.
- OPD Medical Casebook, Nov. 1872 - July
- OPD Medical Casebook, July 1873 - Sept.
- OPD Medical Casebook, Sept. 1875 - May
- OPD Medical Casebook, May 1877 - April
- OPD Medical Casebook, April 1878 - March
- OPD Medical Casebook, March 1879 - Oct.
- OPD Medical Casebook, Oct. 1879 - July
- OPD Medical Casebook, July 1880 - April
- OPD Medical Casebook, April 1881 - Nov.
- OPD Medical Casebook, Nov. 1881 - July
- OPD Medical Casebook, July 1882 - Feb.
Out-Patient Department. Surgical Registers, 1869 - 1875,
1878 - 1881, in six volumes.
- OPD Surgical Register, April 1869 - Feb.
- OPD Surgical Register, Nov. 1872 - July
- OPD Surgical Register, July 1874 - Oct.
- OPD Surgical Register, May 1878 - April
- OPD Surgical Register, April 1879 - March
- OPD Surgical Register, April 1880 - May
- Out-Patient Department. Eye-and-Ear Casebooks,
1881 - 1882, 1885 - 1886, 1892, in three volumes.
- OPD Eye-and-Ear Casebook, June 1881 -
Oct. 1882.
- OPD Eye-and-Ear Casebook, March 1885 -
April 1886,
- OPD Eye-and-Ear Casebook, Jan. - April
Fracture Books, 1854 - 1872, in 2 volumes.
Record of Operations, 1866 - 1873, 1883 - 1967, (43 volumes
in all). From 1866 --1954 (except for the period 1873 - 1883),
there is one record of operations including all surgical services
combined, in chronological order (34 volumes), From 1955 to
1965, the records for different services are separated (general,
ENT, oral, etc.); there are seven volumes for this period.
Then, in 1966, the records for all services are again combined;
two volumes cover the period 1966 -1967.
Record of Operations (all services), 1866 - 1873,1883 - 1954,
in 34 volumes. (New format adopted in Jan. 1923.)
Record of Operations (general surgery), 1955 - 1959, in one
Record of Operations (oral surgery), 1955 - 1965, in 2 volumes.
Record of Operations (eye, block, and lipiodal), 1955 - 1965,
in one volume.
Record of Operations (orthopedics and fractures), 1955 -
1965, in one volume.
Record of Operations (ENT Service), 1955 - 1965, in one volume.
Record of Operations (gynecology), 1964 - 1965, in one volume.
Record of Operations (all services), Jan. 1966 - Oct 1966,
in one volume, Thumb-indexed by surgical service.
Record of Operations (all services), Nov. 1966 - Dec. 1967,
in one volume.
Lower Surgical Ward. Index, 1893 - 1896 in one volume.
Operation books, ca. 1896 - 1923, in ten volumes.
Statistical Summary of Operations, 1925 - 1926, in one volume.
Statistics of patients, cases, and diseases. Ledgers. In
one box. Including:
- Abstract of the cases, 4 mo. 27, 1878.
- Statistics of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 4 mo. 26, 1879.
- Statistics of the Pennsylvania Hospital, Department of
the Sick. 4 mo. 28, 1888.
- Abstract of the cases of patients treated in the Pennsylvania
Hospital, in the year ending 4 mo. 28, 1888.
- Report of Major Operations performed on patients remaining
in house, tabulated by Dr. Frederick A. Packard. Not dated.
- Undated statistics.
Case Histories,
1873 - 1927, in 254 volumes.
Binder's title: Pennsylvania Hospital Reports. Detailed
patient charts bound together in order of admission, with
some irregularities. Early volumes include index to diseases,
bound in front.
- Cases, v. 1, April-June 1873.
- Cases, v. 2, July-Sept. 1873.
- Cases, v. 3, Oct.-Dec. 1873.
- Cases, v. 4, Dec. 1873 - April 1874.
- Cases, v. 5, April-July 1874.
- Cases, v. 6, July-Oct. 1874.
- Cases, v. 7, Oct. 1874 - Jan. 1875.
- Cases, v. 8, Jan. - April 1875.
- Cases, v. 9, ? (April 1875) - Sept. 1875.
- Cases, v. 10, Sept. - Dec. l875.
- Cases, v. 11, Dec. 1875 - April 1876.
- Cases, v. 12, April - July 1876.
- Cases, v. 13, Aug. - Dec. 1876.
- Cases, v. 14, Jan. - June 1877.
- Cases, v. 15, July - Dec. 1877.
- Cases, v. 16, Jan. - April 1878.
Between April 1878 and April 1881, medical microfilmed
and surgical cases were bound in separate volumes. They
were in chronological order, the surgical volumes preceding
the medical volumes; thus, they are listed out of their
proper numerical sequence.
- Cases, v. 17, April -Sept. 1878.
- Cases, v. 18, Sept. 1878 - April 1879.
- Cases, v. 20, April - Oct, 1879.
- Cases, v. 22A, Nov. 1879 - April 1880
- Cases, v, 21B, April - Sept. 1880 .
- Cases, v. 22B, Oct. 1880 - April 1881.
- Cases, v, 19, April 1878 - April 1879.
- Cases, v. 21A, April 1879 - April 1880.
- Cases, v. 23, April 1880 - April 1881.
With v. 24, medical and surgical cases are again combined
in a single sequence of volumes.
- Cases, v. 24, April - Sept 1881.
- Cases, v. 25, Sept. 1881 - April 1882.
- Cases, v. 26, April - Sept. 1882.
- Cases, v. 27, Sept. 1882 - April 1883.
- Cases, v. 28, April - Sept. 1883.
- Cases, v. 29, Sept, 1883 - April 1884.
- Cases, v. 301 April - Sept. 1884.
- Cases, v. 31, Sept. 1884 - April 1885.
- Cases, v. 32, April - Nov. 1885.
- Cases, v. 33, Sept. 1885 - April 1886.
- Cases, v. 34, April - Sept. 1886.
- Cases, v. 35, Sept. 1884 - April 1887.
- Cases, v. 36, March - Oct, 1887.
- Cases, V. 37, Oct. 1887 - April 1888.
Case histories, v. 38 - 166, 1888 - 1910.
- Cases, v. 38, 1888.
- Cases, v. 39-40, 1888 - 1889.
- Cases, v. 41-42, 1889 - 1890.
- Cases, v, 43, 1890 - 1891.
- Cases, v. 44, 1889 - 1891.
- Cases, v. 45, 1891.
- Cases, v. 46-47, 1891 - 1892.
- Cases, v. 48, 1892.
- Cases, v. 49, 1892 - 1893.
- Cases, v, 50-51, 1893.
- Cases, v, 52, 1893 - 1894.
- Cases v, 53-54, 1894.
- Cases v. 55, 1894 - 1895.
- Cases, v. 56-59, 1895.
- Cases, v, 60, 1895 - 1896.
- Cases, v. 61-64-, 1896.
- Cases, v. 65-67, 1897.
- Cases, v. 68, 1897 - 1898.
- Cases, v. 69-73, 1898.
- Cases, v. 74, 1898 - 1899.
- Cases, v. 75-80, 1899.
- Cases. v. 81-82, 1899 - 1900,
- Cases, v. 84-87, 1900.
- Cases, v. 88, 1900 - 1901.
- Cases, v. 89-94, 1901.
- Cases, v. 95, 1901 - 1902.
- Cases, v. 96-102r 1902.
- Cases v. 103, 1902 - 1903.
- Cases, v. 104-110, 1903.
- Cases, v. 111, 1903 - 1904.
- Cases, v.112-118, 1904.
- Cases, v. 119, 1904 - 1905.
- Cases, v. 120, 122-125, 1905.
- Cases, v. 126, 121, 1905 - 1906.
- Cases, v. 127-134, 1906.
- Cases, v. 135, 1906 - 1907.
- Cases, v. 136-141, 1907.
- Cases, v. 142, 1907 - 1908.
- Cases, vols. 143-152, 1908.
- Cases, v. 153, 1908 - 1909.
- Cases, v. 154-165, 1909.
- Cases, v, 166, 1909 - 1910.
Case Histories, 1910 - 1927, represent a sampling only
(approximately every tenth volume).
- Cases, v. 173, 176, 1910.
- Cases, v. 186, 1911.
- Cases, v. 196, 1911-1912.
- Cases, v. 206, 1912.
- Cases, v. 216, 226, 1913.
- Cases, v. 266, 276, 286, 306, 316, 1915.
- Cases, v. 326, 336, 346, 356, 366, 376,
- Cases, v. 426, 416, 406, 396, 1917.
- Cases, v. 486, 476, 446, 436, 466, 456,
- Cases, v. 546, 536, 496, 526, 516, 506,
- Cases, v. 556, 576, 566, 596, 586, 606,
616, 1920.
- Cases, v. 636, 646, 626, 676, 656, 666,
- Cases, v. 746, 916, 706, 696, 736, 726,
686, 1922.
- Cases, v. 766, 776, 786, 756, 796, 806,
816, 1923.
- Cases, v. 866, 856, 886, 876, 846, 836,
826, 1924.
Record of x-ray cases, 1897-1898, in one volume.
Patient case records, ca. 1930 - 1950. Includes maternity
cases. Patient records are by medical record # and are interfiled
with other records.
Maternity Department. Roll Books, 1930 - 1933, in four volumes.
Combined records for Philadelphia Lying-In Charity and Maternity
Hospital patients and staff.
Maternity Department. Patient Charts, ca. 1930 - 1932, in
7 boxes.
Maternity Department. Delivery Books, 1952 -1960, in 9 volumes.
Obstetrics-Gynecology. Surgical Records, 1951 - 1960, in
8 volumes.
Miscellaneous general material, loose papers ca. 1752 - 1858:
rules for admission, care of lunatics, lists of out-patients,
correspondence about care of U. S. seamen. These papers include
Benjamin Rush's letter (1810) to the Managers regarding care
of insane patients, as well as an admission from signed by
Rush. In one box, in chronological order except for interment
orders and security forms for patients, filed at end.
Miscellaneous papers relating to individual patients (except
for admission forms), ca.1763 - 1860, in 4 boxes. Arranged
alphabetically by patient's last name and prefaced by typed
list of these names.
General material, ca. 1759 - 1840: on individual patients,
bills for shaving patients, interment orders, bills for making
of coffins, Almshouse correspondence, in one box.
return to top
Accounts of cash paid by David Evans for materials and laborers'
wages. Jan. 1794 - Feb. 1800. In one volume.
Accounts of the Committee on Repairs, etc.1846 - 1847, 1851
- 1852, in one volume.
Minutes on Committee on Alterations and Repairs of East Wing,
Feb. 8, 1851 - April 23, 1853, in one volume.
Time Sheets for bricklayers, hod carriers and other laborers,
June 1846 - Jan. 15, 1847, and March 20, 1851 - Oct. 28, 1852,
in one volume.
Time Sheets for Carpenters, West Wing, May 1846 - Jan. 1847,
March 1851 - Sept. 1851, in one volume.
Accounts of plumbing and heating costs foraltered Pine Street
building, 1851 - 1852. Index at beginning, in one volume.
Miscellaneous papers: receipts and bills for building supplies,
estimates for various projects, copies of Committee Reports.
Arranged chronologically, in one box. At end are papers relating
to garden, plants, trees. For material about gardeners, see
Steward's Miscellaneous papers. Papers ca. 1752 - 1824. In
addition, there are three boxes of miscellaneous papers: two
boxes of papers relating to construction, alterations, and
repairs, ca. 1768 - 1834, and one box of material relating
to building supplies, ca. 1751 - 1823. These papers are roughly
sorted into such categories as Carpentry work;. Painting and
glazing; Pumps and plumbing; Clocks; Engines; Lumber; Paint
Sand, gravel, bricks etc.
Minutes of Committee to consider plans for new buildings
and alterations, 1891 - 1904, in one volume and one folder.
Kept by Benjamin K. Shoemaker.
Construction Department Notebook on construction of Spruce
Building, 1928 - 1929, in one volume. Includes photographs.
return to top
Manuscript catalogue of Library, ca. 1802 - 1826.
Manuscript catalogue of Library, ca. 1828 - 1906, in 3 volumes
and supplement.
Library Pledge Books or Registers, 1812 - 1823, in two volumes.
Library Registers of books borrowed. 1824 - 1897, in five
Library Accessions Book, 1923 - 1942, in one volume. Later
records available.
List of life subscribers to Library, in one volume. Arranged
alphabetically. Earliest entry apparently 1786, latest 1857.
Miscellaneous loose papers relating to books for Library,
binding, printing, and stationery, 1767 - 1824. Arranged chronologically.
Followed by papers on anatomical preparations and Pathological
Cabinet or museum, arranged chronologically. Whole lot in
two boxes.
Correspondence; reports, bills and receipts relating to Benjamin
West painting "Christ Healing the Sick " and to
the Picture House. Arranged chronologically, 1801 - 1909,
plus undated items. For receipts from exhibition of the painting,
see Steward's Cash Books, 1815 - 1844. In one box.
Samuel Coates. Account of monies received for exhibiting
West's painting, 1817 - 1818.
Library, Museum, West Painting. Miscellaneous papers, correspondence,
printed material, ca. 1870 - 1950, in one box.
return to top
State law 50 P.S. 7111 prohibits the use of all patient
mental health records.
The Pennsylvania Hospital closes non-mental health patient
records for 100 years. Records older than 100 years are open
for researchers to view. All non-patient related material
is closed for 75 years from its creation. Certain restrictions
might still apply on specific records.
Philadelphia Dispensary
Subscription Book, 1786 - 1789, in one volume.
Minutes of Managers, 1786 - 1969, in seven volumes.
Managers. Rough Minutes, 1916 - 1922, in one volume.
Contributors, Minutes, 1856 - 1957, in two volumes.
Treasurer. Accounts, 1876 - 1896, in one volume.
Checkbooks (petty expenses), 1921 - 1922, in two volumes.
Petty Cash Book, 1921 - 1922, in one volume.
Order Book, 1922, in one volume.
Obstetrical Record, 1884 - 1902, 1907 - 1915, in eight volumes.
Copies of Charter, deed, insurance policies, list of contributors,
etc., in one volume.
Lists of Managers, etc., 1786 - 1921, in one volume.
Lists of Physicians and Surgeons, 1786 - 1921, in one volume.
Miscellaneous loose papers, including Charter of Incorporation,
1796, in one box.
Miscellaneous papers, ca. 1840 - 1922, in one box.
Preston Retreat
Minutes of Annual Contributors' Meetings, 1836 - 1884, in
one volume.
Papers relating to the Retreat: rough minutes of Managers'
meetings, correspondence about Preston estate, architects'
proposals for building, 1836 - 1840, plus undated items, in
one box.
Miscellaneous papers, ca. 1835 - 1948, in two boxes.
Board of Managers. 1836 - 1884, 1910 - 1938, in four volumes.
Board of Managers. Visiting committee reports, 1957 - 1960,
in one volume.
Treasurer. Cashbook, 1946 - 1963, in one volume.
Women's Visiting Committee, Minutes, 1886 -1898, 1910 - 1914,
in four volumes.
Register of Patients, 1866 - 1880, in two volumes.
Lists of women more than once in Retreat, and of those who
have died, ca. 1885, in one volume.
Building Committee. Minutes, 1836 - 1842, in one volume.
Building Committee. Book of Agreements, 1836 - 1839, in one
Building Committee. Order Book, 1837 - 1842, in one volume.
Southern Dispensary
Minutes of the Managers and Contributors, 1903 - 1949, in
one volume.
Miscellaneous Papers, ca. 1763 - 1952, in one box.
Philadelphia Lying-In Charity
Joseph Warrington, M.D. Diplomas and certificates. (Joseph
Warrington instituted the Lying-in Charity in 1828.) Arranged
Joseph Warrington. Memorabilia, 1828 - 1833 (6 items).
Minutes of Board of Managers, 1844 - 1932, in seven volumes,
and Minutes, 1932 to present.
Board of Managers. Roll Book 1914 - 1923, in one volume.
Minutes of the Executive Board (1869-1875) and Board of Lady
Visitors (1876-1905), in one volume.
Executive Committee. Minutes, 1888 - 1905, in 2 volumes.
House Committee, Minutes, 1905 - 1913, in one volume.
Contributors. Minutes, 1860 - 1975, in one volume.
Subscription Books, 1863 - 1865, in two volumes.
Contribution Book, 1889, with summaries for 1890 and 1891
loosely inserted, in one volume.
Index of Contributors l925 - 1918, in one volume.
Invoice Books, 1890 - 1930, in 15 volumes:
- Invoices. June 1890- July 1892.
- Invoices, Aug. 1892 - Jan. 1895.
- Invoices, Feb. 1895 - Sept. 1897.
- Invoices, Oct. 1897 - Dec. 1899.
- Invoices, Jan. 1900 - April 1902.
- Invoices, May 1902 - Nov. 1904.
- Invoices, Dec. 1904 - Aug. 1907.
- Invoices, Aug. 1907 - Feb. 1910.
- Invoices, March 1910 - Aug. 1912.
- Invoices, Sept. 1912 - Nov. 1914.
- Invoices, Dec. 1914 - March 1917.
- Invoices, April 1917 - March 1920.
- Invoices, April 1920 - Aug. 1925.
- Invoices, Sept. 1925 - April 1928.
- Invoices May 1928 - May 1930.
Annual Summaries of reports, 1892 - 1909, in one volume.
Account Book, 1886 - 1890, in one volume.
Treasurer. Accounts, 1898 - 1908, in two volumes.
Account Book, May 1908 - Oct. 1915, in one volume.
Secretary's Cash Book. (Maintenance only), 1902 - 1909, in
one volume.
Cash Books, 1892 - 1902, 1909 - 1926, in five volumes.
Register of Medical Students, 1895 - 1916, in one volume.
Physicians' Record Book , ca. 1898 - 1916, in one volume.
Autopsy Records, 1900 - 1907, in one volume.
Medical Staff. Minutes, 1924 - 1929, in one volume. (For
later records, see P. H. Medical Staff--Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Minutes and correspondence, 1929 - 1950.)
Nurse Training School. Application Book, 1884 - 1913, in
one volume.
Nurse Training School. Register of Nurses, 1884 - 1930, in
one volume.
Nurse Training School. Record of Pupils, 1919 - 1921, in
one volume.
Time Books, 1906 - 1928, in four volumes.
Census of Patients and Employees, 1900 - 1902, 1905 - 1913,
1917 - 1919, 1921 - 1928, in ten volumes.
Patient Charts (Obstetrical), 1891 - 1922, in 117 volumes.
- Vol. 1-4, 1891 - 1892.
- Vol. 3-6, 1892 - 1894.
- Vol. 7-10, 1894 - 1896.
- Vol. 11-14, 1896 - 1898.
- Vol. 14-18, 1898 - 1900.
- Vol. 19-22, 1900 - 1902.
- Vol. 23-26, 1902 - 1904.
- Vol., 26-27, 29-30, 1904 - 1905.
- Vol. 28, 1904 --wanting--
- Vol. 31-112, 1922.
Gynecological Charts, 1893 - 1906, 1908 - 1922, in 18 volumes,
wanting vol. 11.
Case Books, Gynecological Dispensary, 1888 - 1926, in six
Miscellaneous Papers, ca. 1889 - 1929, in five boxes.
Diploma of Miriam Anna Wright, 1897.
Maternity Hospital
Board of Governors and Contributors, Minutes 1822 - 1964,
in seven volumes.
Minutes of Monthly Staff Meeting of Maternity Hospital, 1925
- 1929. Includes also signatures of Executive Committee members
and Lady Visitors Committee members indicating completion
of inspection.
Treasurer. Ledger, 1896- 1923, in one volume.
Treasurer. Ledger. 1897-1913, in one volume.
Treasurer. Account Books 1915-1929, in three volumes.
Contributors. Ledger, 1883-1897, in one volume.
Executive Committee. Monthly Reports, 1885-1924 in one volume.
(Additional material filed with Miscellaneous papers.)
Executive Committee. Statistical Reports 1893- 1924, in one
volume, (Additional material filed with Miscellaneous papers.)
Nurse Training School. Application Books, 1896 - 1921, in
three volumes. Numbered vol. 2-4.
Nurse Training School. Nurses' Register, 1889-1929, in five
Patients. Register. 1915- 1923, in one volume.
Patient charts. 1926, arranged chronologically, in two boxes.
Patient charts, ca. 1926 - 1929, arranged alphabetically,
in five boxes.
Miscellaneous papers 1903 - 1929, in two boxes.
Nurse Charity
Minutes of Board of Managers, Book No. 2, Jan. 24, 1843 -
March 3, 1853, in one volume. Name changed to Nurse Society
in Oct. 1843.
Humane Society
Minutes, Sept. 7, 1780 - Feb. 27, 1805, in one volume. Prefaced
by list of charter members, Sept. 5, 1780. Society re-organized
in March 1787, into annual contributors' meetings and monthly
Managers' meetings, in place of general meetings of whole
Society. After incorporation in 1793, minutes of annual meetings
are transferred to separate volume.
Minutes of Managers' monthly meetings, 1805 - Feb. 14, 1827,
in one volume. Includes case histories of rescues, resuscitations,
treasurer's accounts, financial statements.
Rough Minutes of Managers' monthly meetings, Feb. 12, 1812
- April 9, 1817, in one volume.
Minutes of annual meetings of the Contributors, March 6,
1793 - March 7, 1832, in one volume. Prefaced by copy of act
of incorporation, Feb. 13, 1793.
Minutes of Managers' monthly meetings and of annual Contributors'
meetings combined, Aug.14, 1850 - Oct. 25, 1856, in one volume.
The Humane Society dissolved on Oct. 25. 1856, and its assets
were transferred to Pennsylvania Hospital.
Treasurer's Accounts. Feb. 13, 1827 - Oct. 20. 1856, in one
Annual subscription book for 1813. Samuel Bacon, collector.
Miscellaneous loose papers, 1780 - 1856, plus undated material,
in one box.
Order Book, 1849 - 1850, in one volume.
Miscellaneous publications of Royal Humane Society (London),
in two volumes, 1793 - 1801.
return to top
Papers including those related to the engraved views of the
Hospital, and reports of other institutions, in one box.
Papers "of historical interest" (primarily early
receipts) given to Dr. Arthur V. Meigs by Charles Morton Smith.
Items mounted in sheets, then bound in large red leather portfolio.
Meteorological records, 1825 - 1912, in fourteen volumes.
- Records, 1825 - 1831.
- Records, 1831 - 1834.
- Records, 1834 - 1838.
- Records, 1838 - 1841.
- Records, 1841 - 1845.
- Records, 1845 - 1849.
- Records, 1850 - 1856.
- Records, 1857 - 1863.
- Records, 1864 - 1874.
- Records, 1874 - 1882.
- Records, 1882 - 1892.
- Records, 1892 - 1902.
- Records, 1902 - 1912.
- Records, 1912 - 1922.
Donation Book, 1913 - 1924. Donations of, towels, gowns,
clothes. Yearly records in alphabetical order by donor. Also,
Rainfall Records, l757 - 1898, 1898 - 1907, 1907 - 1914, in
one package.
Pennsylvania Hospital. Women's Committee. Minutes, 1865 -
1903, 1922 - 1947, in four volumes, and one folder of papers,
ca. 1893 - 1947. Originally called the "Lady Visitors,"
this committee was formed in 1865 to attend primarily to the
spiritual needs of the patients. In 1923 its name was changed
to the "Women's Committee." In 1947, it merged with
the Women's Auxiliary, which had been formed to attend to
the patients' material comfort.
Pennsylvania Hospital. Womens Committee. -- Account
Book, 1915 - 1947, in one volume.
Pennsylvania Hospital. Diploma, Exposition Universelle de
1900 Awarded by Le Jury International des Recompenses, Medaille
Base Hospital No. 10. Record of service of civilian employees,
1918-1919, in one volume.
Base Hospital, No. 10. Memorabilia, 1917-1918,in one box.
Base Hospital No. 10. Photograph album--Officers, 1917, in
one volume.
Elevator Operators' Time Book, 1929 - 1931. --(Edward B.
Krumbhaar). Scrapbook, ca. 1917- 1919, in one volume.
James P. Hutchinson. Photograph Albums, 1915 - 1917, in three
Eva Gerhard Hart. Diary and photograph album.
Base Hospital No. 10, 1917 - 1919, in two volumes.
George W. Norris. War Letters, 1917- 1919, in two volumes;
scrapbook, ca. 1901 - 1950, in one volume; and war photos,
1917 - 1919, in one box.
Thomas George Morton. Papers relating to the publication
of History of the Pennsylvania Hospital, in one box.
Pennsylvania Hospital. 44th St. Building. Contents of cornerstone,
1836 (6 items and envelope).
Elizabeth W. Hoopes (West-Town, Chester Co.) Poetry Book,
ca. 1864 - 1881, in one volume.
Residence Directory (Isaac Collins?), n.d., in one volume.
Disbursements and Finance, ca. 1827 - 1863, in one volume.
Disbursements (personal). Oct. 1, 1773 - Jan. 12 , 1785,
in one volume.
Disbursements (personal), 1778 - 1790, in one volume.
Accounts--Debits & Credits, 1822 - 1857, in one volume.
Ledger, 1804 - 1822, in one volume.
Mrs. Battle's photographs, in one folder.
Helen McClelland. Memorabilia, ca. 1930 - 1970, in one box.
Mary Aspril. Memorabilia, ca. 1941, in one box.
Samuel Morris. Memorabilia, 1752 - 1758 (2 items), donated
by Mrs. Eleanor Morris.
Richard C. Dale. Certificate of attendance at Pennsylvania
Hospital, 1792. Presented by Dr. Richard Dale Hopkinson, 1948.
Samuel B. Smith. M.D. Diploma, University of Pennsylvania,
1807; Philadelphia Medical- Society certificate, 1802; Student
of Medicine certificate, 1807.
Benjamin Franklin. Draft of cornerstone of Pennsylvania Hospital,
1755 letter to Charles Moore, London, Feb. 5, 1775.
Portrait of Benjamin Rush. Etching by L.E. Faber, ca. 1898.
Jacob Spicer. Pennsylvania Hospital. Contributor's certificate,
Certificates of Membership of the Pennsylvania Hospital,
arranged alphabetically:
Personnel Book, 1898 - 1905. Record of personnel-- dates
of beginning and termination of employment.
return to top
Section I, Series 10. Pennsylvania Hospital
Nursing Schools, 1887-1973.
Miscellaneous papers, ca, 1888 - 1940, in one box.
Book of head nurses and graduate nurses, ca. 1887 - 1925,
in one volume.
Day Books. ca. 1890 - 1892, 1891 - 1897, in two volumes.
Record of Training School of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1888
- 1895, in one volume.
Student records, 1894 - 1909, in three volumes.
Nurses' Daily Record, 1899 - 1934, in four volumes.
Roll Book, 1913 - 1916 Nurses' day book/Daily Report Book.
Edith L. Palmer. Lecture notes. 1909 - 1912, in three volumes.
Taken as a student in the Pennsylvania Hospital Nurse Training
School. (Deaccessioned to Center for the Study of the History
of Nursing)
Class books. 1915 - 1917, 1919 - 1929, 1931 - 1935, 1947
- 1949, in 21 volumes. (For later records: see Class records,
ca. 1950-1961).
Class records, ca. 1922 - 1932 (one-year program), in one
box; and 1950 - 1961, in two boxes. (For earlier records,
see Class books)
Book of students, 1911- 1914 (this volume missing as of 5/12/95),
1917 - 1918, in two volumes, (Cover titles "Day Book.
Nurses," No. ii and No. iv).
Time book for night nurses, 1919 - 1940, in one volume.
Nurses' Time Books, Dept. of Sick and Injured, 1933 - 1951,
in five volumes.
Census Books, 1921 - 1933, in two volumes.
Monthly time books, 1923 - 1932, 1933 - 1937, 1954 - 1960,
in ten volumes.
Maternity Department (?) Time book, ca. 1929 - 1933, in one
Maternity Department, Nurses' Monthly Time Book, Sept. 1933
- Dec. 1945.
Miscellaneous papers, ca. 1923 - 1954, in one box.
Application book, 1933 - 1947, in one volume.
Reports of Director of Nursing, 1933 - 1940 in one volume.
( Helen McClelland )
School for Men. Papers, ca. 1916 - 1958, in three boxes.
School for Men. Index to graduates, 1917 - 1958, in one volume
(Compiled in 1959).
School for Men. Roll Book, 1930 - 1933, in one volume.
School for Men. Account book, ca. 1936 - 1944, in one volume.
School for Men. Register of students, 1940 - 1966, in one
Summary of Class Records, 1916 - 1931, in one volume.
Record of Probationers, 1895 - 1923, in one volume.
Register of Graduates, 1966 - 1973, in one volume.
Male Nurses--Record of Attendants Employed
Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, 1890 - 1914, in one
return to top
State law 50 P.S. 7111 prohibits the use of all patient
mental health records.
The Pennsylvania Hospital closes non-mental health patient
records for 100 years. Records older than 100 years are open
for researchers to view. All non-patient related material
is closed for 75 years from its creation. Certain restrictions
might still apply on specific records.
Funding Note
The processing of this collection was made possible through
a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records
Commission (NHPRC).
The overwhelming majority of this collection is comprised
of the physician/ superintendent files, and administrative
records of the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital and
the Institute's School of Nursing and Affiliate Program. When
the Institute closed, these records were transferred to the
Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections. A few of the more
personal items were donated by relatives of the physicians
to whom the items belonged.
Institutional History
The Pennsylvania Hospital was founded in 1751 by Dr. Thomas
Bond and Benjamin Franklin. Chartered by the Colonial Government,
the Pennsylvania Hospital has the distinction of being the
first hospital in America to care for the sick poor. The original
building on Eighth and Pine Streets, completed in 1755, was
expanded over the years, as demand for a larger facility grew.
Today the Hospital maintains the original building, as well
as many others, as part of its campus.
The nation's first hospital was also the first to treat psychological
and emotional disorders as conditions that could be cured.
From the outset, part of the hospital's mission was to treat
mentally challenged patients with more dignity than the custom
of the day dictated, though in 1783, that mission became even
more clear when Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) was elected
to the medical staff. Referred to as the "Father of American
Psychiatry," Rush was one of the first physicians to contend
that mental illness could be treated humanely with better
living conditions and recreational therapy. This notion was
clearly well received, as by the early 19th Century the number
of mentally ill patients outnumbered patients with physical
ailments. By 1832 the Board of Managers recognized the necessity
of opening a separate asylum with the sole purpose of caring
for psychiatric patients. The Pennsylvania Hospital purchased
a 101-acre farm in West Philadelphia in 1835 from Matthew
Arrison, on which the cornerstone for a new facility was laid
on July 26, 1836.
On October 12, 1840, the Managers named Dr. Thomas Story
Kirkbride (1809-1883), a thirty-one year-old graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania Medical School, as the Superintendent
of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, which officially
opened its doors to patients on January 1, 1841. At this time,
nearly one hundred mentally ill patients were transferred
by carriage from the Pennsylvania Hospital at 8th Street to
the new asylum, which was beautifully constructed amidst vast,
flourishing lawns and gardens. Dr. Kirkbride and his family
took up residence in the mansion that was once the home of
Paul Busti, a wealthy Philadelphia merchant, who had owned
the farm prior to Matthew Arrison.
The reputation of the Hospital and its superintendent grew
rapidly, and the institution flourished. Dr. Kirkbride became
well-known for his work with the patients, and the so-called
"Kirkbride Plan" for the design and creation of mental institutions.
The plan, outlined in Kirkbride's 1854 work entitled, On the
Construction, Organization and General Arrangements of Hospitals
for the Insane, was widely accepted and implemented in institutions
throughout the nation. Indeed, Kirkbride also gained fame
for being one of the original thirteen founders of the Association
of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the
Insane, which evolved into what is today known as the American
Psychiatric Association.
Increased popularity of Kirkbride and the humane treatment
methods he espoused led to a significant increase in the institution's
patient population. Though additions had been made to the
original building to accommodate the growing demand for care,
it eventually became clear that another, larger building was
needed. On July 7, 1856, the cornerstone for a new building,
built with the money from individual contributions, was laid
at 49th and Market Streets, five blocks west of the original
building. The new structure, which was to house only male
patients, was dubbed the Department for Males, while the original
building officially became known as the Department for Females.
The Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane flourished under
Kirkbride until his death on December 16, 1883, though for
decades after his death, Philadelphia natives colloquially
referred to the hospital as "Kirkbride's." Dr. John B. Chapin,
the former Superintendent of the Willard State Hospital in
New York, assumed the role of Superintendent of the Pennsylvania
Hospital for the Insane after Kirkbride's demise. Chapin resigned
from his duties in 1911, and was succeeded by Dr. Owen Copp,
who initiated a School of Nursing for Men at the Hospital.
Against the custom of the day, Copp appointed Leroy N. Craig
as the director of the Men's School, and Craig became the
first male superintendent of any male nursing school in the
country. The new school was devoted to training male students
in general nursing practices, as well as the specialized disciplines
of psychiatric and urological nursing. The Pennsylvania Hospital
School of Nursing for Men was successful for many years, but
in 1965, it was dissolved after having graduated 551 men and
training approximately 12,000 affiliates during it's 51-year
history. (At this time, the School of Nursing for Women, which
operated out of the Pennsylvania Hospital's 8th Street facility
was also dissolved, and a cooperative school which accepted
both male and female students was initiated. This school existed
until 1974, when the nursing school was completely dissolved
due to lack of interest in the program.)
The Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, which officially
became known as the Department of Mental and Nervous Diseases
in 1918, was not only a pioneer in nursing education, but
also in outpatient care. In 1920, Dr. Copp appointed a young
Dr. Edward A. Strecker to head a new outpatient service at
49th Street. The new treatment center was opened to persons
in need of psychiatric care, but for whom constant hospital
supervision was unnecessary. Outpatient therapy proved popular,
and in 1930, all male inpatients were transferred from the
49th Street facility to the 44th Street Building, so the 49th
Street property could be used primarily as an outpatient center
to treat patients with common neuroses, such as depression,
sleeplessness, and low self-esteem. Strecker became a groundbreaker
in the field of psychiatry with his approach to these common
issues, including alcoholism, which he was one of the first
physicians to recognize as a mental illness rather than as
a moral failing. It was at this time the 49th Street property
was renamed the "Institute."
The entire West Philadelphia entity became known as the Institute
of the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1959, when the 44th Street
property was closed due to the City of Philadelphia exercising
its right of eminent domain. Items from the original building
were auctioned off, and the building was demolished to make
way for the City's subway project. All patients were moved
to the 49th Street property, where a new, five-story "North
Building" opened to accommodate the consolidation. Within
a decade this building became the site of the area's first
inpatient treatment center for adolescent children.
The Institute was a fundamental player in the evolution of
psychiatric care. Many of the most eminent psychiatrists of
the 19th and 20th Centuries were either superintendents or
otherwise affiliated with the institution. Physicians like
the aforementioned Drs. Kirkbride, Chapin, Copp, and Strecker,
as well as others such as Dr. Kenneth Appel, and Dr. Earl
D. Bond, were all instrumental in the effective operation
and management of the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Their contributions to the field of psychiatry cannot be underestimated,
nor can the care given to thousands of patients during the
Institute's impressive history. Nevertheless, in 1997, The
Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital was forced to close
its doors, after years of declining insurance payments and
a decreased need for inpatient services had taken its toll
on the Hospital. The buildings were sold, and the behavioral
health programs returned to their original location at the
Pennsylvania Hospital's 8th Street property.
Institute Timeline:
May 11, 1751 - The Pennsylvania Hospital
is founded for the care of the sick-poor and the insane.
1783 - Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), the
"Father of American Psychiatry," is elected to the medical
staff of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and remains an integral
member of the staff until his death in 1813. He is one of
the first physicians to maintain that mental illness could
be treated humanely with better living conditions and recreational
1832 - A resolution is passed by the Board
of Managers to create a separate asylum for mentally ill patients,
who, by that time, outnumbered sick and injured patients.
1835 - The Pennsylvania Hospital purchases
a 101-acre farm in West Philadelphia from Matthew Arrison,
on which the new facility is to be erected. Prior to being
owned by Arrison, the farm had been the property of Paul Busti,
an area merchant.
July 26, 1836 - The cornerstone of the Pennsylvania
Hospital for the Insane is laid, and the new hospital, designed
by architects Isaac Holden and Samuel Sloan, is built at the
corner of 44th and Market Streets.
October 12, 1840 - Dr. Thomas Story Kirkbride
(1809-1883), a thirty-one year-old graduate of the University
of Pennsylvania Medical School, is elected Superintendent
of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane.
January 1, 1841 - the Pennsylvania Hospital
for the Insane opens its doors. Nearly 100 mentally ill patients
are transferred by carriage from the Pennsylvania Hospital's
8th Street location to the new facility, which is beautifully
constructed with stone arches and large parlors, and rests
amidst flourishing lawns and gardens. Spaciousness is the
ideal. Dr. Kirkbride and his family take up residence in the
mansion that was once the home of Paul Busti.
October 16, 1844 - Dr. Kirkbride hosts a
meeting of thirteen superintendents of psychiatric hospitals,
at which they found the Association of Medical Superintendents
of American Institutions for the Insane. Over the years, this
association will evolve into what is today known as the American
Psychiatric Association.
1854 - Dr. Kirkbride writes On the Construction,
Organization and General Arrangements of Hospitals for the
Insane, which outlines what is now known as the "Kirkbride
Plan" for the design of mental institutions. Kirkbride's reputation
grows, as does the reputation of the Pennsylvania Hospital
for the Insane, and the plan is implemented in many institutions
throughout the nation.
July 7, 1856 - Increased popularity of the
humane methods espoused by Kirkbride, lead to a significant
increase in the institution's patient population. Though additions
are added to the original building to accommodate the growing
demand for care, another large building becomes. The cornerstone
for a new building, funded by individual contributions, is
laid five blocks to the west of the original building at 49th
and Market Streets.
October 10, 1859 - The new building receives
patients for the first time. The original building officially
becomes known as the Department for Females, while the new,
twin building at 49th Street is dubbed the Department for
December 16, 1883 - Dr. Kirkbride passes
away. For many years after his death, native Philadelphians
colloquially refer to the hospital as "Kirkbride's."
September 1, 1884 - Dr. John B. Chapin,
former Superintendent of the State Hospital of Willard, NY,
assumes the role of Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Hospital
for the Insane.
1895 - Female attendants serve in the Men's
Department for the first time.
1911 - Dr. Chapin resigns as Superintendent
and is succeeded by Dr. Owen Copp.
1914 - Copp initiates a School of Nursing
for Men at the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. He appoints
Leroy N. Craig as the first director of the Men's School.
Craig becomes the first male superintendent of a male nursing
school in the country. The new school is devoted to training
male nurses in general nursing practices, as well as the specialized
disciplines of psychiatric and urological nursing.
1918 - The name of the institution is officially
changed from the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane to the
"Department for Mental and Nervous Diseases" of the Pennsylvania
Hospital, to reflect a growing interest in the studies of
the brain.
1920 - Copp appoints Dr. Edward A. Strecker
to head a new outpatient service at 49th Street. The new treatment
center is opened to persons in need of psychiatric care, but
for whom constant hospital supervision is unnecessary.
1922 - Dr. Earl D. Bond succeeds Dr. Copp
as the Psychiatrist-In-Chief of the Department of Mental and
Nervous Diseases.
1928 - Two new buildings are added to the
Hospital's campus at 48th Street and Haverford Avenue. The
new structures boast a power plant, a kitchen, a laundry,
etc. With the additions, these potentially hazardous structures
are removed from the 49th Street buildings.
1930 - All male in-patients are moved from
the 49th Street facility to the 44th Street Building. The
49th Street building is dubbed as the "Institute" for the
first time, and opens its doors as an outpatient center to
treat patients with common neuroses, such as depression, sleeplessness,
and low self-esteem.
1932 - An affiliate program in Psychiatric
Nursing is established as part of the Department for Mental
and Nervous Diseases' School of Nursing.
1933 - A residency training program in psychiatric
medicine is established.
1935 - Dr. Strecker becomes one of the first
doctors to recognize alcoholism as a disease, and the Pennsylvania
Hospital becomes the first treatment center to hire a recovering
alcoholic as an addiction counselor.
1938 - Dr. Bond retires as the Psychiatrist-in-Chief
and is replaced by Dr. Lauren H. Smith.
1951 - The Child Study Center is formed.
1959 - The 44th Street property is closed
due to the City of Philadelphia exercising its right of eminent
domain. Items from the original building are auctioned off,
and the building is demolished to make way for the City's
subway project. All patients are moved to the 49th Street
property, and all departments are onsolidated under the name
of the Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital. The new, five-story
"North Building" opens on the 49th Street property to accommodate
the consolidation. Within a decade it becomes the site of
the area's first inpatient treatment center for adolescent
1962 - Dr. Smith is succeeded by Dr. J.
Martin Myers as Psychiatrist-in-Chief.
1965 - The Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing for Men
is dissolved after having graduated 551 men and training approximately
12,000 affiliates during it's 51-year history. (At this time,
the School of Nursing for Women, which operates out of the
Pennsylvania Hospital's 8th Street facility is also dissolved,
and a cooperative school which accepts both male and female
students is initiated. This school exists until 1974, when
the nursing school is completely dissolved due to lack of
interest in the program.)
1981 - Dr. Newell Fischer replaces Dr. Myers
and becomes the Institute's Director of Psychiatry. 1982 -
Dr. Layton McCurdy becomes the new Psychiatrist-in-Chief
1997 - The Institute of the Pennsylvania
Hospital is forced to close its doors, after years of declining
insurance payments and a decreased need for inpatient treatment
of psychiatric illness. The buildings are sold and the Hospital's
behavioral health programs return to their original location
at the Pennsylvania Hospital's 8th Street property. The archival
records and historical artifacts pertaining to the Pennsylvania
Hospital for the Insane (the Institute of the Pennsylvania
Hospital) are transferred to the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic
2004 - The NHPRC issues a grant to organize,
preserve and make publicly accessible the Institute of the
Pennsylvania Hospital's Archival Collection.
General Overview of the Collection:
The Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital collection is
a very comprehensive record group, which contains general
and detailed information on the general operation of the Institute,
on the doctors and superintendents who were associated with
the facility, and on the School of Nursing founded at the
Institute. The collection dates from the early 1800s to 1997,
and is comprised of approximately 250 linear feet of material,
including paper documents, ledger books, photographs, and
This collection should be considered one of the most important
collections covering the treatment of psychological disorders
and mental illness, as it contains operational information
for one of the first modern treatment facilities for such
diseases. In addition, it represents an important source of
information on early Schools of Nursing - particularly those
specializing in the education of male nurses.
The collection has been divided into six series:
Note on Restricted Access:
Not all materials in the collection are publicly accessible
or reproducible. The physical condition of an item, copyright
issues, donor restrictions, and Federal regulations will determine
restrictions on access and reproductions.
According to the Hospital Insurance Portability & Accountability
Act (HIPAA), effective April 14th, 2003, Hospital employees
are not permitted to provide access to identifying information
of any patient - past, present, or future. As a result, access
to, or reproductions of, any images in which patients appear,
cannot be granted, unless the patients' faces are blurred
so as to be unrecognizable.
State law 50 P.S. 7111 prohibits the use of all patient
mental health records.
The Pennsylvania Hospital closes non-mental health patient
records for 100 years. Records older than 100 years are open
for researchers to view. All non-patient related material
is closed for 75 years from its creation. Certain restrictions
might still apply on specific records.
Preferred Citation:
Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital Collection. Courtesy
of the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections, Philadelphia,
Section II, Series I - Administrative Records,
1830s-1997 + [n.d.].
The administrative records of the collection, consisting
of approximately 40 linear feet of material, contain information
related to the general operation of the Institute from its
inception and throughout its history. They include broad information,
such as yearly reports about the successes and challenges
the institution faced, as well as minutia, including record
books detailing employee wages and even meteorological information
on the Philadelphia area in the 1840s. Clearly, the scope
of this series is quite broad.
The administrative records of the collection are divided
into thirteen subseries to facilitate access. These subseries
Subseries A: Operational Reports,
(Board of Managers' records and general reports) - Mainly
annual reports, and monthly reports handwritten by Thomas
Story Kirkbride. This subseries provides the most comprehensive
information pertaining to the operation of the Institute.
Subseries B: Managers' Records,
Minutes of Manager's meetings, detailing the monthly operations
of the institution, as well as the meeting minutes of specific
Board committees.
Subseries C: Construction/ Building
Maintenance, 1835-1976 + [n.d.]
Details the efforts and specific details surrounding the growth
and evolution of the institution's physical premises. Many
of the records document the construction of the North Building.
Subseries D: Financial/ Steward's
Records, 1839-1977 + [n.d.]
Specific financial records concerning funding, expenditures,
budgets, etc. The Steward's record books include information
specific to patient accounts, including names in some instances.
These records also offer statistics about activities on the
patient wards.
Subseries E: Employee Information/Personnel,
1841-1996 + [n.d.]
Contains both personnel files for medical staff members, and
general information pertaining to employee policies and employment
Subseries F: Patient Care Information,
1836-1979 + [n.d.]
Contains no specific patient information, only general information
on the care of patients at the Institute. Includes information
about various treatment options that were available to patients,
for example, adolescent treatment programs, and alcohol and
drug treatment.
Subseries G: Committees and
Groups, 1956-1983
Details the activities of many committees and groups which
operated within the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane.
Subseries H: Medical Library
Records, 1946-1996 + [n.d.]
Details the history and general operation of the Hospital's
Medical Library, from inventories to correspondence.
Subseries I: Event Coordination,
(1959-1976), 1991
Includes information on the coordination of several events
sponsored by the Institute, including the Strecker Award Ceremony
and Lecture.
Subseries J: Legal Affairs, 1854-1965, Box 114
Consists of information pertaining to legal cases affecting
the Institute or the field of psychiatry.
Subseries K: Research, 1939-1978, Box 115
Contains information on research projects conducted at the
Institute, or by Institute affiliated staff members.
Subseries L: Institutional Memorabilia, 1836-1983 + [n.d.],
Boxes 116-117
Brochures, Mementos, Newsclippings, etc. celebrating the existence
of the Institute.
Subseries M: General Information,
1833-1992 + [n.d.]Meteorological records, visitors'
registers, general correspondence, and information about other
Of all the series in the Institute Collection, the Administrative
records provide the broadest and most comprehensive information
pertaining to the facility and its functional purpose. Though
the dates of the series are inclusive from the 1830s to 1997,
there is only a smattering of records from the 1910s to the
1950s. It is unclear why this gap exists, or where the materials
may exist, if they still do.
Section II, Series 2 - Superintendent /
Physician Records, 1826-1995 + [n.d.].
This record group consists of the papers of many prominent
doctors who were associated with the Institute, a few of whom
also served as the facility's superintendent. Papers associated
with many of the physicians represented in this group may
also be found in the administrative files. However, unlike
items found in the administrative files, papers belonging
to the physicians' files often had much to do with the physician's
external life outside of his service to the Institute.
In addition, physician files are representative of the work
done by a physician throughout his career, whereas the physician
associated files found in the administrative records usually
concern only his association with the Institute.
The physician files have been broken down into eight subseries
by individual doctor, and further subdivided into categories,
where necessary, for ease of use.
Subseries A: Thomas Story Kirkbride
Material, 1826-1893, 1933-1968 + [n.d.]
The largest and oldest group of papers in the series was generated
by the Institute's first superintendent, Thomas Story Kirkbride.
With well over 1000 individual items, Kirkbride's papers,
which consist mainly of correspondence and expository writings
concerning Institute-related business, psychiatric care, and
even personal items, are extremely informative in terms of
the early history of mental institutions. Kirkbride was very
much the heart of the Institute, and remained so for many
years after his death. His dedication is revealed throughout
this collection. (See also patient correspondence--letters
written to and from Dr. Kirkbride concerning specific patients.
These letters have not been processed as part of this grant-funded
project, as they contain the Personal Health Information (PHI)
of psychiatric patients.)
Subseries B: John Chapin Materials,
Following Kirkbride's death in 1883, Dr. John Chapin became
the superintendent of the Institute. A small collection of
his papers exist, though they are not comprehensive, nor are
they overwhelmingly informative.
Subseries C: Edward Strecker
Materials, 1915-1960
Dr. Strecker, a pioneer in the psychological treatment
of alcoholism, as well as an advocate for child psychology,
was an influential physician at the Institute. His collection
of papers consists of a great deal of correspondence that
details his work in the field of psychiatry and his years
of service for the United States Armed Forces, as well as
some of his personal life. In addition to his correspondence,
there is a fairly comprehensive collection of his published
professional works.
The four subseries below contain the papers of other influential
physicians who worked at the Institute during the 20th Century.
In each of these subseries, the written works of the men are
collected, as is some of their professional correspondence.
Subseries D: Earl Bond Material,
1913-1970 + [n.d.]
Subseries E: Kenneth Appel Material,
1927-1979 + [n.d.]
Subseries F: Francis Braceland
Material, 1931, (1937-1941) + [n.d.]
Subseries G: Manuel Pearson
Material, 1937-1981 + [n.d.]
Subseries H: Residents' Papers, 1961-1995 + [n.d.], Boxes
The final subseries consists of thesis papers written by resident
physicians in the field of psychiatry who completed their
residencies at the Institute. The papers are of varying subject
matter, and date between 1961 and 1995.
For more information concerning individual physicians at
the Pennsylvania Hospital, see also the physician files of
the Department of Sick and Injured.
Section II, Series 3 - The Institute School
of Nursing, 1908-1974 + [n.d.]
The School of Nursing at the Institute began as two schools,
a school for women and a school for men. Only a few years
after it began, the School for Women at the Institute was
dissolved, and the School of Nursing for Women at the Department
for the Sick and Injured at Eighth Street served as the only
women's school affiliated with the Pennsylvania Hospital.
The School of Nursing for Men continued to operate at the
Pennsylvania Hospital's West Philadelphia campus until the
mid-1960s, when the School for Men and the School for Women
at 8th Street merged.
The records of the School of Nursing at the Department for
Mental and Nervous Diseases consist of three subseries:
Subseries A: Administrative
Files, 1917-1974 + [n.d.]
Describes the overall functioning of the School of Nursing
for Men, containing information on the school's curriculum
and policies, as well as correspondence, reports, meeting
minutes, etc. General information about the daily operation
of the school can be found in this record group.
Subseries B: Affiliate Program
in Psychiatric Nursing--Administrative Records, 1941-1974
+ [n.d.]
Contains similar information as the overall school of nursing
administrative files, such as curriculum info, policies, correspondence,
and reports. This program allowed student nurses from other
nursing schools to come to the Institute of the Pennsylvania
Hospital and take a several week course in the specific field
of psychiatric nursing. The affiliate program began shortly
after the School of Nursing itself, and lasted until 1974
- even after the merger of the Men's and Women's Schools.
Thousands of men and women completed the affiliate program
during the course of its existence.
Subseries C: Student Records,
The largest subseries within Series III - indeed, the largest
group of paper documents within the entire Institute Collection,
consists of both group records and individual permanent records.
Several groups of students have been recognized within this
subseries, including male and female graduates of the School
at the Institute, non-graduates, affiliate students, affiliate
post-graduates, etc. Most of these records offer excellent
genealogical information on each of the students. Most of
the students' permanent records include detailed reports of
the students' behavior, character, and intellect, and many
records contain personal correspondence.
Due to the close relationship between the schools at both
campuses, additional information on both schools can be found
in the Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing Collection.
Section II, Series 4. Photographic Collection,
c. 1840s-1979 + [n.d.]
Subseries A: General Institute
Collection, c. 1850s-1950s
The Institute photograph collection has been separated into
five subseries by origin of donor. The most comprehensive
group is that which was discovered amidst the Institute's
general administrative files. Images in this subseries consist
primarily of photographs of buildings and grounds, and employees.
The other subseries within Series IV are all smaller collections,
put together and donated by individual physicians and/ or
their families. These collections contain images related to
their respective donors, as well as Institute related photographs.
Subseries B: Kirkbride Images,
Subseries C: Strecker Images,
c. 1890s-1958
Subseries D: Bond Images, 1896-c.
Subseries E: Appel Images, 1916-1979
+ [n.d.]
See also the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Image Collection
for additional and related images pertaining to the Institute
and the Pennsylvania Hospital in general.
Section II, Series 5. Artifacts, c. 1850-1989
+ [n.d.]
Series V has been divided into two subseries:
Subseries A: Institutional,
1887-1981, [n.d.]
This subseries contains artifacts that range from a glass
syringe to parts of a machine used for conducting Electro-Convulsive
Therapy. These objects were in general use in the Institute,
and are not associated with a particular physician.
Subseries B: Physicians' Personal
Effects, c. 1850-1950s, [n.d.]
This subseries contains items that belonged to physicians
at the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital. Artifacts of Drs.
Bond, Chapin, Copp, Kirkbride, and Strecker are represented
in this subseries.
See also the Pennsylvania Hospital Artifact Collection for
additional and related items.
Section II, Series 6. Patient Records, 1841-1956
Two sets of archives are included here: those opened in 1841
with the opening of the original building of the "Department
for the Insane" at 44th Street, and including women patients
only after 1859; and those begun afresh for the Male Department
when its separate building at 49th Street opened in 1859.
Note particularly that the Male Department records began with
a new Patient Admission no. 1, listed below as Case no. 1
(Male), and so forth. For a fuller description, refer to the
notes for Series 1, Administrative records of the Institute
of Pennsylvania Hospital.
Census Books.
These volumes, for the period 1915 - 1956 succeed the Admission
and Discharge Registers. They record admissions, discharges,
departures and returns from visits, and changes in status
(i.e., Voluntary to Committed).
Medical Registers.
These volumes list patients in order of admission and include:
case no., name, occupation, date of admission, sex, age marital
status, nativity, residence; no. of attack (e.g., 1st, 2nd.
etc.), supposed cause, duration before admission, form (diagnosis),
age at first attack. For cases prior to 1844, and a few thereafter,
the following data are also included: complexion, hair color,
eye color; date of discharge, duration of residence, nature
of discharge (e.g. cured, eloped, etc.); remarks (whether
periodical, hereditary, suicidal, puerperal, etc.); whether
In 1883, by order of the "Committee on Lunacy",
new style Medical Registers (labeled "Admission Books")
were begun. These volumes include: date of last previous admission,
if any; case no. in order of admission; date of admission;
full name; age; color, sex, nativity; civil condition (marital
status, number of children living, names and addresses of
living brothers and sisters; occupation prior to insanity;
previous address; by whose authority sent; dates of medical
certificates, and by whom signed (with addresses); bodily
condition; name of disorder, if any; form of mental disorder;
supposed cause; whether epileptic or congenital imbecile;
duration of attack; no. of previous attacks; age at first
attack; no. of admission.
For some patients, the following is also included: date of
discharge or death; whether restored, improved, not improved
or died; remarks.
The records begin with a volume containing information on
insane patients admitted to the Hospital at 8th Street before
1841, and transferred to the West Philadelphia building. Data
probably copied from the original 8th Street records.
- Insane Patients at 8th St. Hospital, 1790
- 1841.
- Vol. 1, Jan. 9, 1841 - Dec. 28, 1850.
Cases no. 1-1806.
- Vol. 2, 1851 - 1865. Cases no. 1807-3883.
- Vol. 3, Jan. 18, 1866 - Dec. 31, 1883.
Cases no. 3884-5838.
- N.S. Vol. 1, Sept. 20, 1883 - July 24,
1905. Cases no. 5810-7773.
- N.S. Vol. 2, Aug. 4, 1905 - July 17, 1916.
Cases no. 7774-9081.
- N.S. Vol. 3, July 19, 1916 - Dec. 25,
1925. Cases no. 9082-10,404.
Medical Registers - Male Department.
- Vol. 1, Oct. 27, 1859 - July 15, 1874.
Cases no. 1 - 2000.
- Vol. 2, July 15, 1874 - April 4, 1884.
Cases no. 2001 - 3159.
- N.S. Vol. 1, Sept. 28, 1883 - Jan. 15,
1913. Cases no, 3111 - 5505.
- N.S. Vol. 2, January 23, 1913 - Feb, 5,
1921, Cases no. 5506 - 6332.
Registers of Patients Admitted
Include: Case no., date of admission, name, residence, name
and residence of security, rate charged, pay or poor, date
of discharge or death. Information very complete.
- Vol. 1, Jan, 4, 1841 - Dec. 26, 1859.
- Vol. 2, Female Department, Jan. 10, 1860
- April 20, 1890.
- Vol. 3, Male Department, 1859 - 1897.
Alphabetical Indexes of Patients.
Chronological within each letter of the alphabet. Includes:
year, month, day; name, pay or poor, date of discharge or
death. Discharge data not complete. Some overlap between volumes.
Alphabetical Indexes of Patients - Male Department
Summary Registers
Include day of month; day of week; numbers of males and females,
and total number in hospital; numbers of pay and poor patients.
Medical Journals.
Weekly entries give number of patients, cumulative numbers
of cases and of persons; numbers of patients employed, restrained,
secluded, under medical treatment; deaths, injuries and violence
to patients; remarks.
Discharge Books.
Volumes through 1883 contain discharge number, name, Register
(admissions) number, date of discharge, length of residence
in hospital, and remarks on mode of discharge, condition when
Volumes commenced in 1883, in accordance with the Committee
on Lunacy, include date of discharge or death, date of last
admission, register (admissions) number; name, age at discharge,
color, sex; discharged with result or removed, where to, with
result of treatment or assigned cause of death.
Some notes laid into volumes.
- Vol. 1, March 20, 1841 - Dec. 26, 1850.
- Vol. 2, Jan. 1, 1851 - Dec. 23, 1878.
- Vol. 3, Jan. 3, 1879 - Sept. 12, 1884.
- Vol. 4, Sept. 20, 1883 - Sept. 14, 1925.
Discharge Books - Male Department.
Admissions and Discharges.
Contain daily records of admissions (name, date, class --pay,
free, voluntary); running census (numbers admitted, remaining,
and discharged); and discharges (name, date, class, whom patient
left with, result--cured, died, etc., remarks). Miscellaneous
notes and clippings laid in; other notes entered for each
month (entertainment, donations, etc.)
Volumes 3a and 4a duplicate volumes 3 and 4.
Succeeded by Census Books.
- Vol. 1, Sept. 22, 1884 - April 20, 1892.
- Vol. 2, April 21, 1892 - April 20, 1899.
- Vol. 3, April 24, 1899 - April 25, 1907.
- Vol. 4, April 2~, 1907 - March 1, 1915.
- Vol. [3a]. May 1, 1900 - Aug. 31, 1907.
- Vol., [4a]. Sept. 4, 1907 - May 30, 1915.
Admissions and Discharges - Male Department.
- Vol. 1, Sept. 1, 1884 - April 20, 1892.
- Vol. 2, April 21, 1892 - April 26. 1900.
- Vol. 3, April 27, 1900 - April 23, 1908.
- Vol. 4, April 25, 1908 - April 3, 1916.
Case Books - old Style.
Include cases for the first five years of the West Philadelphia
"Department for the Insane" beginning in 1841 (men
and women). Case histories in order of admission, identified
with patients' initials. First 3 volumes contain alphabetical
indexes of patients' names. Early records include history,
notes on treatment, some follow-up notes in T.S. Kirkbride's
hand. Later entries are less complete. No later volumes have
been located.
- Vol. 1, Jan. 4, 1841 - Aug. 20, 1841.
Cases no. 1-136.
- Vol. 2, Aug.25, 1841 - Oct. 10, 1842.
Cases no. 137-279.
- Vol. 3, Oct. 13, 1842 - May 3, 1844, Cases
no. 280-489.
- Vol. 4, May 14, 1844 - Jan. 1, 1846. Cases
no. 492 - 770.
Case Books - Female Department.
Case histories and follow-up are given in varying detail.
Some cases are continued elsewhere in the same or another
volume. Vol. 5 mainly contains continuations. Volumes indexed
in front by patients' names. Some notes and clippings laid
From 1885, records were kept according to the instructions
of the Committee on Lunacy. The following information is included:
name, residence, date of admission; age, sex, nativity, marital
status, occupation, religion, education; habits, insane relations,
family history (other diseases, consanguinity); number, date
and duration of previous attacks; number of previous admissions,
admissions to other hospitals; when present attack commenced,
supposed cause; restraint or seclusion; disease increasing,
decreasing, or stationary; patient excitable, dirty, destructive,
suicidal, homicidal; Also, general appearance (temperament,
flesh, countenance); eyes (color, pupils, action as to light,
etc.); physical examination (heart, lungs, abdominal viscera,
pulse, tongue, temperature, skin, urine; speech, writing,
condition of bowels and digestive functions); accompanying
bodily disorders, bruises, etc.; diagnosis, ward number; persons
brought by, admitted at request of, medical certificates of,
correspond with, telegraph to;
Also, previous medical history: first change in physical
condition; loss of sleep, appetite, etc.; changes in medical
condition (depression, excitement, delusions, hallucinations,
illusions, changes in temper, irritability, etc.; history
of any suicidal or homicidal tendencies or attempts; convulsions,
apoplectic seizures, symptoms of disease of brain or spinal
cord; source of information.
Beginning ca. 1907, the following data are added: color;
residence for past year; names of parents if living; names
of husband or wife, children; names and residences of brothers
and sisters; names of next of kin (if other); names and addresses
of all medical attendants (last 2 years).
Beginning ca. 1911, gynecological exams are also included.
Later cases also give more detailed histories (e.g. childhood).
Vol. 17 (n.s.) Continued Casebook contains the names of patients
in the Department for Women, some of whom were admitted to
the Pennsylvania Hospital prior to 1884-85, and whose names
appear only in the "General Register" and not in
any case book; as well as the continuations of other cases.
Vol. 18 (n.s.), Index of Patients 1900-1946 is arranged roughly
alphabetically; and chronologically by date of admission within
each letter of the alphabet. Contains date of admission, name,
whether voluntary, committed, or temporary commitment; pay
or free; date of discharge; some deaths noted.
Vols. 19-2O (n.s.) list patients according to location in
hospital (North Side, South Side, Villa) in roughly alphabetical
order within these categories. Include name, case book volume
and page (or "folder"); and sometimes case number.
- Vols. 1-3. 170-172 WANTING NOT FILMED
- Vol. 4, March 3, 1876 - July 1, 1684.
- Vol. 5 ca, 1579 - 1886.
- Vol. Jan. 1, 1885 - April 20, 1885.
- N.S. Vol. 1, April 27, 1885 - Feb. 26,
1888. Cases no. 5930-6187.
- N.S. Vol. 2, March 3, 1888 - Dec. 30,
1890. Cases no. 6188-6428.
- N.S. Vol. 3, Jan. 2: 1891 - Feb. 9, 1893.
Cases no. 6429-6622.
- N.S. Vol. 4, Feb. 10, 1893 - May 27, 1895.
Cases no. 6623-6819.
- N.S. Vol. 5, May 28, 1895 - Oct. 5, 1897.
Cases no. 6820-7014.
- N.S. Vol. 6, Oct, 12, 1897 - June 6, 1899.
Cases no. 7015-7160.
- N.S. Vol. 7, June 12, 1899 - Jan. 21,
1901. Cases no. 7161-7306.
- N.S. Vol. 8, Jan. 22, 1901 - July 9, 1902.
Cases no. 7307-7447.
- N.S. Vol. 9, July 12, 1902 - Dec. 30,
1903. Cases no. 7448-7591.
- N.S. Vol. 10, Dec. 31, 1903 - March 23,
1905. Cases no, 7592-7737.
- N.S. Vol. 11, March 27, 1905 - June 14,
1906. Cases no. 7738-7878.
- N.S. Vol. 12, June 18, 1906 - Aug. 31,
1907. Cases no. 7879-8022.
- N.S. Vol. 13, Sept. 7, 1907 - Jan. 8,
1909. Cases no. 8023-8169.
- N.S. Vol. 14, Jan. 10, 1909 , April 27,
1910. Cases no. 8170-8313.
- N.S. Vol. 15, April 28, 1910 - July 8,
1911. Cases no. 8314-8457.
- N.S. Vol. 16, July 12, 1911 - Oct. 14,
1912. Cases no. 8458-8600.
- N.S. Vol. 17, Continued Case Book. 1903.
- N.S. Vol., 18, Index of Patients 1900
- 1946.
- N.S. Vol. 19, Index to Vols. 5-6, N·S·
- N.S. Vol. 20, Index to vols. 5-6, N.S.
Case Books - Male Department.
Vols. 1-5 contain case histories and follow-up between 1874
and 1885 in varying degrees of detail. Patients' names are
listed in fronts of volumes in rough chronological order of
admission. Binders' titles vary.
Vol. 6 contains very brief case histories, probably copied
in 1884 from earlier records. Many entries are continuations
from earlier case books. Alphabetical index to patients, Nov.
19, 1859 - March 5, 1881, in front of volume.
New Style Vols. 1-18 use the same format as those for the
Female Department . See above for details. Includes 141 cases
admitted prior to 1885 who were still resident in the hospital
at that time. Indexed by patients' names. Some clippings and
notes laid in.
N.S, Vol. 19 contains an alphabetical roster of patients
included in Case Books N.S. Vols. 1-18. and some later ones
filed under the new system in 1912. Gives register number,
name, case book volume and page.
- Vol. 1, 1874 - April 1877.
- Vol. 2, April 1877 - July 17, 1878.
- Vol. 3, April 23, 1878 - Aug. 6, 1881.
- Vol. 4, Aug. 8, 1881 - Jan. 31, 1883.
- Vol. 5, Feb. 16, 1883 - April 25, 1885.
- Vol. 6, Index, Nov. 19, 1859 - March 5,
- N.S. Vol., 1, Jan. 24, 1885 - Feb. 19,
1886. Cases no. 3218 [Male] - 3313.
- N.S. Vol. 2, Feb. 20, 1886 - July 22,
1881. Cases no. 3314 Male - 3446.
- N.S. Vol. 3, July 27, 1887 - July 4, 1889.
Cases no. 3447 Male - 3553.
- N.S. Vol. 4, July 7, 1889 - Nov. 19, 1890.
Cases no. 3554 Male - 3664.
- N.S. Vol. 5, Nov. 23, 1890 - April 5,
1892. Cases no. 3665 Male - 3780.
- N.S. Vol. 6, April 9, 1892 - Sept. 13,
1893· Cases no. 3781 Male - 3893.
- N.S. Vol. 7, Sept. 22, 1893 - Dec. 18,
1894. Cases no. 3894 [Male] - 4003.
- N.S. Vol. 8, Jan, 22, 1895 - Nov. 14,
1896. Cases no. 4004 Male - 4128.
- N.S. Vol. 9 Nov. 19, 1896 - Aug. 1, 1898.
Cases no. 4129 Male - 4257.
- N.S. Vol. 10, Aug. 3, 1898 - Jan. 91 1900.
Cases no. 4258 Male - 4387.
- N.S. Vol. 11, Jan. 10, 1900- June 15,
1901. Cases no. 4388 Male - 4511.
- N.S. Vol. 12, June 15, 1901 - Jan, 27,
1903. Cases no. 4512 Male - 4633.
- N.S. Vol. 13, Feb. 2, 1903 - June 27,
1904. Cases no. 4634 Male - 4765.
- N.S. Vol. 14, June 27, 1904 - Jan. 26,
1906. 215 Cases no. 4766 Male - 4895.
- N.S. Vol. 15, Jan. 30, 1906 - June 22,
1907· Cases no. 4896 Male - 5023.
- N.S. Vol. 16, June 25, 1907 - Jan. 30,
1909· Cases no. 5024 Male - 5152.
- N.S. Vol. 17, Feb. 3, 1909 - June 29,
1910. Cases no. 5153 Male - 5291.
- N.S. Vol. 18, June 29, 1910 - Jan. 11,
1912. Cases no. 5292 Male - 5408.
- N.S. Vol. 19, Index to N.S. Vols. 1-18.
Pharmacy Books.
Contain daily entries, probably a complete record of medications
dispensed for the period covered. For each date, gives patients'
names, medication and dosage. Notes on medicines, etc., laid
in. Vols. 4-6 have new format: organized by patient, with
chronological entries for each, indexed.
- Vol. 1, March 1, 1841 - Oct. s, 1850.
- Vol. 2, Oct. 4, 1850 - July 31, 1863.
- Pharmacy Book - Male Department. May 15,
1860 - Aug. 24, 1880.
- Vol. 3, Aug. 1, 1863 - Dec. 31, 1876.
- Vol. 4, Jan. 1, 1877 - April 30, 1887.
- Vol., 5, May 1, 1887 - Nov. 13, 1893.
- Vol. 6, Nov. 14, 1893 - Dec. 5, 1899.
Address Books.
Arranged alphabetically by patients' names. Give names and
addresses of relatives, friends, and/or physician. Entries
generally undated. For some patients, case numbers and dates
of admission given. Also, notes about correspondence, clothing,
etc.; addresses for workmen, suppliers, steady correspondents.
- Old Address Book, ca. 1867 - 1912.
- Vol. 1, Directory, 1889 - 1831.
- Vol. 2, 1891 - 1895.
- Vol. 3, 1895 - 1900.
- Vol. 4, Commenced May 25, 1900.
- Vol. 5, Commenced August 8, 1905.
- Vol. 5, Commenced October 9, 1908.
- Vol. [7].. (Mislabeled Vol. 5) 1913 -
Address Books - Male Department.
Admission Papers.
Miscellaneous Patient Records.
Weight Books are arranged in rough alphabetical order; weekly
record of patients' weights. Information incomplete.
Arranged alphabetically, List personal expenses (e.g., newspapers,
clothing, sweets, damaged bedding) chronologically for each
Records average per capita daily consumption of various foodstuffs
for the Male and Female "Insane Departments" and
the Pennsylvania Hospital at 8th Street with averages for
the four-year period. Also comparative figures for Bloomingdale
Asylum (1843) Harrisburg (1868, 1874), Dixmont (n.d.), St.
Luke's (n.d.), and McLean Asylum (1872). Also, victualling
of British and American soldiers and sailors.
III. Photographs And Visual Materials, ca. 1749- 1997
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