Section III. The
Historic Image Collection
Prints, Slides, and Negatives, c.1749-1997 + [n.d.]
The vast majority of images were taken by hospital photographers hired for
the purpose of documenting Hospital events, staff members, and Hospital property.
Hospital photographer Robert S. Halvey took the vast majority of images from
1948 and 1984. Nevertheless, the collection also contains the work of several
other professional photographers, including but not limited to F. Gutekunst,
G.M. Gilbert (Gilbert & Bacon), Emil Forney, L. Richmond Brittingham,
William M. Rittase, Aaron J. Greenberg, James L. Dillon and Company, Bairstow
Studios, A. Morse and Company, Jules Schick, United States Photo View Company,
D. Sargent Bell, Rey W. Cooper, Broadbent Brothers, Phillips Studios, Wolpe
Studios, Henry F. Beidleman, William H. Rau, and Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown.
General Overview of the Collection:
The Pennsylvania Hospital’s Historic Image Collection is comprised of
over 20,100 unique photographic prints, slides, and negatives, which document
the history of the hospital from the dawn of photography to the end of the
20th Century. The photographs contain imagery of numerous subjects including,
but not limited to: Hospital architecture, nursing school activities, Hospital
events, and a diverse range of patient care activities. However, the most abundant
group of images in the collection consists of thousands of portraits of hospital
personnel, from prominent doctors to laundry staff members. The images in the
collection not only paint a complete picture of Pennsylvania Hospital’s
own unique past, but also provide a more generalized view of the evolution
of medical and social history. It is certain that anyone interested in the
history of Pennsylvania Hospital, or in the history of medicine in general,
would find the collection both interesting and useful.
The vast majority of the images were taken in Philadelphia,
with the exception of the World War I & II photographs, which
document the activities of Pennsylvania Hospital personnel at
overseas bases during military conflict.
Many of the earliest photographs in the collection were taken
by well-known Philadelphia photographers, including Frederick
Gutekunst, William H. Rau, and Gilbert Bacon. However, though
the collection spans the period from c.1850 to 1997, the vast
majority of images were taken between 1948 and 1984 by hospital
staff photographer Robert S. Halvey.
The collection contains a variety of media. There are approximately
4,400 loose prints ranging in size from 1”x1” to
35”x7.5”. There are 11 photo albums, which combined
contain nearly 1,250 prints. 500 stereoscopic prints are housed
in the collection, as well as one cased photograph. There are
close to 950 slides in the collection, in both lantern and 35mm
slide format. Finally, there are approximately 14,225 negatives
in the collection, most of which are 4x5 film negatives, but
there are also close to 200 glass plate negatives. Most images
are in black and white, though some color images appear sporadically
throughout the collection.
Funding Note
The processing of this collection was made possible through
a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission
Notes on Arrangement:
The Historic Image Collection has been subdivided into eight series based on
the format of images. Images of similar formats were organized together to
ensure the best environment for each individual image, and also for ease
of storage. Within each series, images have been arranged by subject. Most
of these subseries have been further divided into more specific, descriptive
categories. At the smallest level of organization, the images have been arranged
chronologically. Subseries titles have been repeated in every series where
appropriate. A more detailed description of the arrangement follows.
Series and Subseries Descriptions:
Notes on Restricted Access:
Not all materials in the collection are publicly accessible
or reproducible. The physical condition of an item, copyright
issues, donor restrictions, and Federal or State regulations
will determine restrictions on access and reproductions.
According to the Hospital Insurance Portability & Accountability
Act (HIPAA), effective April 14th, 2003, Hospital employees are
not permitted to provide access to identifying information of
any patient - past, present, or future. As a result, access to,
or reproductions of, any images in which patients appear, cannot
be granted, unless the patients' faces are blurred so as to be
Requests for Reproductions and Publishing/ Use Rights:
When deemed appropriate, and when not restricted by federal or donor regulations,
the Archivist may grant one-time, non-exclusive rights to publish hospital
images. Reproduction costs, Service charges, and Publication/ use fees may
All requests for image reproductions must be in writing and
should be delivered to the Hospital Archivist at least three
weeks prior to the date the image is needed. Please request to
view the "Details of Image Reproduction Services" information
page and the "Image Services Fee Schedule" for additional
information regarding image reproductions.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States
Code) governs the making of photocopies and other reproductions
of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in
the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy
or other reproduction. One of the specified conditions is that
the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be "used for
any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research." If
a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction
for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may
be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves
the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment,
fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright
Reproductions of materials in the Historic Collections of Pennsylvania
Hospital are provided as a service to expedite research and lessen
wear on image/ documents, and are made solely for the personal
use of the individual researcher requesting them. Reproductions
may not be transferred to another individual or organization,
deposited at another institution, or reduplicated without prior
permission of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Duplication by the Hospital
in no way transfers either the copyright or the property right.
Similarly, duplication by the Hospital does not constitute permission
to publish, or to display materials, without the express written
consent of the Pennsylvania Hospital Archivist via a signed Permission
to Publish and/or Exhibit Materials form, and the payment of
use fees where applicable.
Preferred Citation:
Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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