Section I, Series 10. Pennsylvania Hospital
Nursing Collection, 1876-1995.
History of Nursing -1850-1988 (MG 3.0 Boxes
This series consists mainly of secondary source materials
such as booklets, reports, journal articles and other publications
concerning the history of nursing, both in Europe and the
United States. Several calendars published by the National
League of Nursing Education, New York, 1921-1932, provide
photographs and information on early nursing leaders and early
schools of nursing in the United States. Primary source materials
include a copy of an 1897 speech, “Qualifications Necessary
to make a Successful Head-Nurse,” read by Miss Lucy
Walker, Superintendent of Nurses at Pennsylvania Hospital,
to the Nurses’ Club, and an eight-page booklet published
by Pennsylvania Hospital, Department for Women, 44th &
Market Streets, West Philadelphia, entitled “Rules for
Boxes 4 and 5 contain books on the history of nursing and
nursing techniques, the earliest being Water-Cure in Pregnancy
and Childbirth by Joel Shew, M.D. (1850) and Mothers
and Infants, Nurses and Nursing by Dr. A. L. Donne.
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