Section I, Series
10. Pennsylvania Hospital Nursing Collection, 1876-1995.
Helen Grace McClelland Papers, 1914-1985 (MG 3.13,
Boxes 1-4)
Helen Grace McClelland served as the Hospital’s Nursing
Director for 23 years (1933-1956). This series consists of
news clippings, photographs, letters, programs, professional
reports and journal articles relating to her work and achievements.
This series also contains materials relating to her experiences
in WWI, including a scrapbook.
Box 3 contains letters written by H.G. McClelland to Barbara
Miller, R.N., Nursing Alumnae Association President, who played
a vital role in establishing the Nursing Collection at Pennsylvania
Hospital. Many of the letters express her concern and thoughts
about the nursing museum being planned for the Hospital. There
is a transcript of an oral history interview with McClelland
conducted by Miller.
Box 4 contains the minutes of committee meetings attended
by McClelland, in her role as Nursing Director, between 1950
and 1956.
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