Section I, Series
10. Pennsylvania Hospital Nursing Collection, 1876-1995.
School of Nursing - Time Books, 1890-1965 (MG
3.9, 31 Books)
These logbooks record days and hours worked, courses taken
and date of graduation of Pennsylvania Hospital nursing students
and affiliated students. Other observations are also recorded.
- Day Book 1890-92
- Day Book 1891-97
- Day Book 1911-1914
- Day Book 1915-16
- Nurses' Daily Record Book, Vol. I 1899-1915
- Nurses' Daily Record Book, Vol. II 1912-1926
- Nursing School Time Book (Night) 1919-40
- Time Book, Maternity Dept. 1929-33
- Nurses Daily Record Book 1930-34
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1923-33
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1933-40
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1941-44
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1945-47
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1946-48
- Time Book, Dept. of Sick and Injured 1948-51
- Monthly Time Book Sept. 1954-April 1956
- Monthly Time Book May 1956-Dec. 1958
- Monthly Time Book Jan. 1959-April 1960
- Monthly Time Book May-July 1960 12
- Monthly Time Books for Staff and Private Duty Nurses,
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