Section I, Series 4. Medical Staff, C.1750-1975.
List of medical students entitled to privilege of attending
practice and use of the Library, 1814 - 1887, in two volumes.
For students, see also lists at end of Attending Managers'
Accounts for 1789 - 1815.
Notebook of Benjamin Morris, ca. 1750. In box.
Lecture notes taken by (Reading Beatty?), 1779 - 1783, in one
Memorandum Book kept by Benjamin Horner Coates, 1793, in one
Notes from Dr. Physick's lectures, taken by Constans Curtin in
winters of 1807 - 1808, 1808 - 1809.
Notebook kept by Thomas Chalkley James, 1814 - 1818: list
of his students, selected weather observations, titles of
lectures in his course on obstetrics. See also his scrapbooks
of mortality tables.
Lecture notes taken from Mr. (Samuel?) Cooper's surgical lectures,
Oct. 7 - (Nov. 16?), 1818.
Lecture notes taken at Medical Clinic, 1847 - 1848, Dr. (George
B. ) Wood, in one volume.
John H. Gibbon. M.D. Diploma, Jefferson Medical College, 1891.
Joseph Parrish. Memorabilia, 1802 - 1837.
General material, loose papers: rules for appointment of staff,
lists of pupils, University of Pennsylvania's proposal for
Hospital teaching, application of women students, etc. In
one box, arranged chronologically. Followed by material on
individual apothecaries. Material ca. 1752 - 1858.
Material on individual physicians: applications, resignations,
correspondence, etc. In three boxes, arranged alphabetically
by names of physicians, prefaced by typed list of names included.
Material ca. 1773 - 1859.
Bradbury, Dr. Samuel. Out-patient Department. Director's Notebook,
1928 - 1931, in one volume. Kept by Bradbury.
Coates, Benjamin Horner. Diploma of five years' service.
Course Book, 1888, in one volume.
Fisher, Henry MI Notebook, 1881 - 1889, in one volume.
Medical Staff, Lists of, Compiled ca. 1891, one volume.
Medical Staff--Obstetrics and Gynecology. Minutes and correspondence,
1929 - 1950, in seven volumes and one box. Continuation from
Phila, Lying-in Charity. The seven volumes (loose-leaf) contain
minutes. The box contains correspondence, visitors' registers,
miscellaneous and loose material removed from minute book
for 1924 - 1929.
For earlier records of above, see Series
8: Affiliates.
Phila. Lying-in Charity. Medical Staff. Minutes, 1924 - 1929,
in one volume.
Individual - Applications, acknowledgments, resignations, correspondence.
Arranged by last name of physician.
Medical Staff. Resolutions, ca. 1902 - 1910, in one volume.
Meigs, Arthur V. Hospital Notes, 1880 - 1894, in five boxes.
Gibbons, John H. M.D. Memorabilia, donated by Mrs. Winthrop
H. Bartles (Battles?) (1420 Locust Street).
- Letter from JGH to his father, Dr. Robert
Gibbons in Charlotte, April 1893 re: his appointment to
PA Hospital.
- Clippings and copies from newspaper ,
- Newspaper clippings re: Evac. Hosp. No.
10 and U.S. Base Hosp. No.20, 1917 - 1918.
- Major Gibbons memorandum book from
Feb. 1918.
- Large Memo book (blue) from Base Hosp.
- War records, official correspondence,
including commissions and honorable discharge of May 1919.
- Reports form Evac. Hosp. No. 1 c. 1918;
"Observations on Surgical Organization:
1st Div. A.E.F. & Evac. Hosp."; info about wound
categories. In folder.
- "The First Book of Munitions called
Genesis" private correspondence from Sir Alexander
Lawrence, 1918.
- Telegram (Duty Orders), 1917.
- Engraving by W.E. Tucker (matted), drawn
by McArthur, of PA Hospital, n.d.
- Photo print of PA Hospital Memorial Pavilions
on Spruce Street, F. Gutekeunst, Phila., n.d.
- Blue index cards re: RHG performing the
first open-heart surgery in the country.
- "Memoir of JHG (1871 - 1956)"
reprinted form Transactions & Studies
by John B. Flick, M.D. This folder includes biographical
notes and three military commissions, 1919 -1924.
- Correspondence between Mrs. Bartles and
Mrs. Morris and John Clark and Mr. & Mrs. Bartles.
1. JHG with nurse, another man by desk (cat on desk).
2. JHG (in tub), Francis R. Packard on right, [another
3. Surgery in progress, four doctors, 6-7 spectators in
4. Seven people by blackboard with chest anatomy drawn
on it. R-L.: nurse, doctor, patient, doc?, doc? Seated,
patient, JHG?.
5. JHG seated at desk.
6. Surgery in amphitheatre, 1894. JHG, John S. Packard,
4 other men, patient, 4 nurses, no spectators.
7. Surgery in progress, JHG at right(?), 5 other men (including
8. Several photos in envelope of JGH in London, 1918.
Mitchell, Charles Franklin. Diplomas and Certificates, arranged
- Auxiliary Department of Medicine Certificate. 1898.
- Diploma of Practical Obstetrics and Diseases of Females.
- Certificate of Services to American Ambulance, Dec, 1915
to March 1916. 2 copies.
- First Lieutenant of the Medical Reserve Corps, 1916.
- Appointed Captain in the Medical Section. 1917.
- Appointed First Lieutenant in the Medical Section. 1917.
- Societatis Chirurgiae American. 1917.
- Appointed Major in the Medical Section. 1918.
- Honorable Discharge from the Military Service in the United
States Army, 1919.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical Corps, by the U. S. Army. 1919.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical,Jby the Officers' Reserve
- Corps Of the D. S. Army. 1923.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical, by the U. S. Army. 1928.
- Appointed Colonel, Medical Corps, by the U. S. Army. 1932.
- Appointed Colonel in the Medical Corps by the B.S. Army.
- Appointed Colonel, Inactive, by the U. S. Army. 1937.
- Appointed a Reserve Commissioned Officer, Grade of Colonel,
by the U. S. Army, 1953.
Charles Franklin Mitchell. Base Hospital 10 collection, one
box. Donated by Miss Anne F. Mitchell, daughter of C.F. Mitchell.
Out-patient Department. Physicians' Attendance Records, 1908
- 1927, in seven volumes.
Packard, Francis Randolph. Medical Historical Society of the
Pennsylvania Hospital. Minutes, 1931 - 1941, in one volume.
Francis Randolph, Diary, 1881 - 1919. Original typed manuscripts,
and photocopies up to 1919.
R. Packard. Reprints of thirteen of his approximately forty published
scientific articles. Covers 1897 - 1916, arranged chronologically.
R. Packard. Reprints of 27 of his approximately 97 published
Historical articles. Covers 1902 - 1949. Arranged chronologically.
R. Packard. Bound book of 23 of his Reprints. (Book A) Covers
1897 - 1905. Not in chronological order.
R. Packard. Bound books of nineteen of his Off-prints, (Book
C.) Covers 1897-1905, not in chronological order.
R. Packard. Bound Book of 20 of his Off-prints. (Book D.)
Covers 1885-1903, not in chronological order.
Francis R. Packard. 12 original ink-wash drawings of anatomy,
of which at least 10 are part of a series of at least 38 drawings.
None are dated. Including:
The following were numbered by Packard:
- #3: skeletal; fractures of jawbone and clavicle, and a scapula,
signed on back.
- #6: skeletal foot, signed on back.
- #10: skeletal anatomy, signed on back.
- #11: skeletal; fractures of humerus, ulna, and radius, signed
on back.
- #13: skeletal; deformed hips and femurs, and a normal femur,
signed on back.
- #20: skeletal; foot with a fracture, signed on front and
- #22: thumb, skeletal thumb, and skeletal hands and wrist,
signed on back.
- #26: skeletal; both sides of pelvis and upper necks of femurs,
signed on back.
- #28: skeletal; tibia, femurs, and radius of a dog, labeled
by Packard on the drawing, signed on back.
- #38: skeletal; gunshot fracture, labeled by Packard on the
drawing, signed on back.
Francis R. Packard, Memorabilia. Including:
- Scrap book; ca. 1917 - 1918.
- Printed announcements of lectures, memberships
and books; invitations to and programs of lectures; ca.
1928 - 1942; filed in chronological order.
- Packard's personal copy of "A Handbook
of Operative Surgery" by John H. Packard, 1870, with
F. R. Packard's personal notes.
- Autographed copy of Packard's "Some
Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1751-1938. Belonged
to Bertha E. Kemmerer. Along with photographs, clippings,
literature about the hospital that also belonged to Ms.
- Original letters, certificates, acknowledgments;
ca. 1920-1955; filed in chronological order.
- Photographs, including some clippings
and photographs which belonged to Mrs. Peyton R. Biddle.
- Articles and Memoirs on Francis Packard,
Frederick Packard, and John Packard.
Francis, R. Packard. Papers of Miss Florence M. Greim, Secretary
to Administrator, concerning publication of Dr. Packard's
History of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Including:
History of Pennsylvania Hospital. Lectures prepared by Miss
Greim, prior to 1954. Donated by Miss Joyce Cooper.
Photograph Album, ca. 1890, in 1 volume.
Resident Physicians. Memorabilia, 1900-1975, in 1 volume.
Wilson, Dr. T. C. A Record of cases treated by Hot Air apparatus,
1897 - 1898, in one volume. Kept by Wilson.
Pennsylvania Hospital History System (two identical copies).
Describes standard system of Pennsylvania Hospital for taking
patient Histories. Dated June, 1927.
Smith, Samuel B., Student of Medicine, 1807
Loulher, James M., Artis Medicinae Doctorem, 1865.
Souther, James. M., Artis Medicinae Doctorem, 1865. Unable to
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