Section I, Series 4. Medical Staff, C.1750-1975.
Francis R. Packard. Reprints of 27 of his approximately 97
published Historical articles. Covers 1902 - 1949. Arranged
chronologically. Including:
- 1902: "The resurrectionists of London and Edinburgh. " Reprinted
from M. News 81: 64 - 73. One copy.
- 1903: "The author of 'Rab and his friends,' Dr. John
Brown, of Edinburgh." Reprinted from MI Lib. and Hist.
J. 1: 77-89. Read at a meeting of the Johns Hopkins Historical
Club, Jan. 12, 1903. 7 copies.
- ca. 1905: "A brief sketch of the early history of medical
education in Philadelphia." Reprinted from "Philadelphia
as a medical center." Phila., Polyclinic and College for
Graduates in Medicine. One copy.
- 1907: "Early medical libraries in America; being an
account of the libraries of the Pennsylvania Hospital and of
the College of Physicians of Philadelphia." Reprinted
from M. Lib. and Hist. J. 5: 96-108. Read before the MLA of
Brooklyn, May 13, 1907. 1 copy.
- 1911: "Some early books on the education of the deaf." Reprinted
from Laryngoscope 21: 1065-1068. Read at the meeting of the
American Ontological Society. June 27, 1911. Eleven copies.
- 1914: "The gold-headed cane and its author, William
MacMichael." Reprinted from Bull. M. Lib. Assoc. N. S.
4: 1-11. Read at the 17th annual meeting of the MLA, June 22-23,
1914, Atlantic City. Eight copies.
- 1920: "Sir William Osler and the library of the College
of Physicians of Philadelphia." Reprinted from Trans.
Cell. Phys. Phila. 3rd. Read before the College March 3, 1920.
Seventeen copies.
- 1924: "References to syphilis in the plays of Shakespeare." Reprinted
from Ann. M. Hist. 6: 194-200. Three copies.
- 1929: "Harvey and the tercentenary celebration of his
book 'De motu cordis et sanguinis hominis' by the Royal College
of Physicians of London." Reprinted from Bull. M. Lib.
Assoc. 18: 5-14. Address delivered before the MLA Sept. 1928.
14 copies.
- 1930: "Some historical considerations on the removal
of tonsils." Reprinted from Practitioner 124: 59-66. 1
- 1930: 'William and John Hunter: a study in contrasts." Reprinted
from Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med, 2d s. 6: 664-667. Abstract of addresses
read before the Section on Historical and Cultural Medicine,
N.Y. Academy of Medicine. 9 copies.
- 1931: "The Pennsylvania Hospital." (Priv. Pr.)
Two copies.
- 1931: "How London and Edinburgh influenced medicine
in Philadelphia in the eighteenth century." Reprinted
from Ann. M. Hist. N. S. 4: 219- 244 . Weir Mitchell Oration
VI College of Physicians of Phila., Nov. 18 , 1931. 13 copies.
- 1931: "William Osler, the men and institutions with
which he was associated in Philadelphia." Reprinted from
Canad. M. Assoc. J. N.S. 27: 117-125. Osler Oration II. Canadian
Medical Association, June 22, 1932. 7 copies.
- 1933: "Ambroise Pare" Reprinted from Lectures on
the history of medicine: a series of lectures at the Mayo foundation
and the universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern
and the Des Moines Academy of Medicine, 1926/1932, Phila.,
Saunders, 1933. 7 copies.
- 1937: "William Cheselden: some of his contemporaries
and their American pupils." Reprinted from Ann. M. Hist.
N. S. 9: 533-548. 1 copy.
- 1937: "Memoir of Dr. William Johnson Taylor." Reprinted
from Trans. and Stud. Coll. Phys. Phila., 4th S.
4: iv-vii. 4 copies.
- 1937: "The College of Physicians of Philadelphia from
its centennial in 1887 to 1925." Reprinted from Trans.
and Stud. Cell. Phys. Phila.. 4th S. 4, Suppl.:
89-116. Address at the celebration, May 15, 1937, of the 150th Anniversary
of the founding of the College. 3 copies.
- 1940: "The conquest of surgical pain." Priv. Pr.
48 pp. Jayne Memorial Lecture, American Philosophical Society,
March 27, 1940. 6 copies.
- 1941: "A great physician's contributions to scholarship
and literature (Osler)." Priv. Pr. 20 pp. Annual Athenaeum
Address, the Athenaeum of Phila., Feb. 3, 1941. 3 copies.
- 1941: "Memoir of Arthur Newlin, M. D. Reprinted from
Trans. and Stud. Cell. Phys. Phila. 4th S. 9t 184-186. 1 copy.
- 1942: "Medicine and the American Philosophical Society." Reprinted
from Proc. Am. Philos. Sec.86: 91-102. 1 copy.
- 1942: "Herbert Fox." Reprinted from Year Book of
the American Philosophical Society, p. 349-350. Seven copies.
- 1942: "Medical case histories in a colonial hospital." Reprinted
from Bull. Hist. Med, 12: 145-168. Fielding H. Garrison Lecture,
American Association of the History of Medicine. 3 copies.
- 1949: 'William Osler in Philadelphia, 1884-1889." Reprinted
from Arch. Intern, Med. 84: 18-25. Sir William Osler memorial
number. 5 copies.
- "The Oldest Hospital in the United States, A Question
of Priority." Reprinted from 184th Annual Report of the
Pennsylvania Hospital. 9 copies.
- "Two Early American Botanists and the Pennsylvania Hospital." Reprinted
from 190th Annual Report of the Report of the Pennsylvania
Hospital. 1 copy.
For a more complete list of historical works written or edited
by Francis R. Packard, see the reference cited above under Scientific
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