Section I, Series 7. Library, Museum, & Benj. West Painting,
Manuscript catalogue of Library, ca. 1802 - 1826.
Manuscript catalogue of Library, ca. 1828 - 1906, in 3 volumes
and supplement.
Library Pledge Books or Registers, 1812 - 1823, in two volumes.
Library Registers of books borrowed. 1824 - 1897, in five volumes.
Library Accessions Book, 1923 - 1942, in one volume. Later records
List of life subscribers to Library, in one volume. Arranged
alphabetically. Earliest entry apparently 1786, latest 1857.
Miscellaneous loose papers relating to books for Library, binding,
printing, and stationery, 1767 - 1824. Arranged chronologically.
Followed by papers on anatomical preparations and Pathological
Cabinet or museum, arranged chronologically. Whole lot in
two boxes.
Correspondence; reports, bills and receipts relating to Benjamin
West painting "Christ Healing the Sick " and to
the Picture House. Arranged chronologically, 1801 - 1909,
plus undated items. For receipts from exhibition of the painting,
see Steward's Cash Books, 1815 - 1844.
Samuel Coates. Account of monies received for exhibiting
West's painting, 1817 - 1818.
Library, Museum, West Painting. Miscellaneous papers, correspondence,
printed material, ca. 1870 - 1950, in one box.
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