Prior to publishing, exhibiting, or otherwise
using any image from the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Image
Collection, you will be asked to read, complete, sign and
submit the following form for approval by the Pennsylvania
Hospital Archivist.
Permission to Publish and/or Exhibit Materials
From the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections
800 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Institution: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Email:
I, the undersigned, as a representative of __________________________________,
wish to
publish and/ or exhibit the following materials from the Pennsylvania
Hospital Historic Collections:
(Please be as specific as possible)
I/ we will be using the aforementioned materials
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(please provide title of work and publication
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Please carefully read the following policy
and regulations concerning use:
1) In providing permission to
publish material obtained from the Pennsylvania Hospital Historic
Collections, the Hospital does not assume any responsibility
for infringement of copyright or of publication rights for
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3) The publisher/ undersigned
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publisher/ undersigned will require additional permission,
and is subject to additional publication/ use fees. Images
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be deposited at another institution, or be reduplicated without
prior permission of the Pennsylvania Hospital.
4) The publisher/ undersigned
agrees to cite the source of archival material in all published
works and exhibits. A dissertation is considered a published
work. All materials should be credited as follows: "Courtesy
Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections, Philadelphia."
I have read the policy as stated above
and agree to comply with its regulations.
Signature: _________________________________________
Date: ______________________
Approved By: _______________________________________
Date: ______________________