Find-a-Person and Reverse-Lookup Information

The following commercial website may be helpful to chaplains searching for contact information that could be valuable for patients. The link below will open in this same window, and the window should be closed after use.

Such commercial sites contain advertisements and often promise more information about a person for a fee. Chaplains should not click on any advertisements nor seek further information through fee-based services. Also, information on these sites should not be assumed to be comprehensive or accurate, and, in fact, incorrect information is especially common regarding people who have moved within a year. Digital Directory. This site opens on a "Find a Business" search page, but options are available to "Find a Person [by Name]" and "Search by Phone [Number]".

NOTE: There are many other find-a-person and reverse-lookup websites, but they tend to be accompanied by troublesome pop-ups and other advertising gimmicks.