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Links for Chaplains

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    Penn Sites

Arts & Culture at Penn

Biomedical Library

BioPond --James G. Kaskey Memorial Park

Chaplains' Work with Trauma Patients and Their Families (PowerPoint)

Directions/parking for healthcare facilities: HUP, PPMC, PAH, Rittenhouse, CCH, and Lancaster General

Ethics: Penn's Dept. of Medical Ethics

Knowledgelink Staff Education Website

Maps of HUP, PAH, PPMC, & the University

News Online about Penn: Penn Medicine News, Penn News

News Publications from Penn: System News, Penn Medicine Magazine, HUPdate, Presby Bulletin, Lancaster General Hospital News, What's New, Almanac, Penn Current, Daily Pennsylvanian, Pennsylvania Gazette

Oncolink --use search box for spirituality

PennHealth Health Information Resources

PennKey Authentication Tool Website

PTSD Information

Patient-Led Pastoral Care Model of Chaplaincy Practice

Religious Organizations on Campus

Shield and Motto of the University of Pennsylvania

Traffic Alerts for Penn

Transit Services at Penn

Webmail Access (UPHS)


    Pastoral Care Associations

AAPC: American Association of Pastoral Counselors

ACPE: Association for Clinical Pastoral Education

- Research Network

- Clinical Members' Blog

- Eastern and Northeast Regions Website

APC: Association of Professional Chaplains

CASC: Canadian Association for Spiritual Care

NACC: National Association of Catholic Chaplains

NAJC: National Association of Jewish Chaplains


    General Links

American Psychological Assn. re: End-of-Life Issues

Association for Religion Data Archives

Bible: KJV --from the University of Virginia Library

Bible: NRSV --from Oremus Bible Browser

Bible: RSV --from the University of Michigan

Bioethics Briefing Book --online resource from Hastings Center

Duke University's Center for Spirituality, Theology, and Health

"Four Chaplains" Story --"Interfaith In Action"

GWish --George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health

Hansen-Flaschen: "ICU Family Shrines of Hope" via Vimeo or YouTube

Handbook of Patients' Spiritual & Cultural Values

Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion

Interfaith Calendar

Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia

Kalsman Institute on Judaism and Health

Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling (via ACPE member link)

Medical Ethics --see §I, part 2: Theories

Metanexus Institute

Multifaith Resources from Spiritual Health Victoria (Australia)

Nat'l. Center for Biotechnology Info. Literature Databases

Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life

Psychological First Aid ...Guide for Community Religious Professionals

PubMed National Library of Medicine --Literature Search Page

Qur'an translation from University of Southern California site

Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry --journal

Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (PBS)

Resources for Patients and Families --of Special Interest to Chaplains

Royal College of Psychiatrists --Spirituality and Psychiatry Group

Sacred Texts Archive --Site by John B. Hare

Tanakh --from the Jewish Virtual Library site

Tanakh --Hebrew-English Parallel from the Mamre Institute

Telechaplaincy: Preserving the Character of Chaplaincy Care in Telephone Interaction [--Penn guide]

Templeton Advanced Research Program Field Analyses of Religion, Spirituality, Healing and Health Outcomes by David Hufford and Andrew Newberg

University City (Philadelphia) Interactive Map

Web Resources for Find-a-Person and Reverse-Lookup

"White Paper" on Professional Chaplaincy