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Chaplaincy Organizations
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AAPC - The American Association of Pastoral Counselors
ACPE - The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education ACPE Research Network - Pastoral Care Research
APC - The Association of Professional Chaplains
CASC - The Canadian Association for Spiritual Care
NACC - National Association of Catholic Chaplains
NAJC - National Association of Jewish Chaplains


Sites of General Interest
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"Biology of Belief" --Article by Dina Greenberg about Dr. Andrew Newberg's Research (PDF [2.5 MB] via ACPE Research Network)
Duke University's Center for Spirituality, Theology, and Health
George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish). See especially the site's section for SOERCE: Spirituality and Health Online Education and Resource Center
HealthCare Chaplaincy, New York --Research Section
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Templeton Advanced Research Program Field Analyses of Religion, Spirituality, Healing and Health Outcomes by David Hufford and Andrew Newberg - (PDFs via Metanexux Institute)
"White Paper" on Professional Chaplaincy


Special Links for
Pastoral Care Staff Members and Students