Community Advisory Board (CAB)

What is the CAB?

The mission of CABs of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) is to provide community input into the operations of the AIDS Clinical Trials Units (ACTUs). CABs provide an opportunity for affected communities, especially clinical trials participants, to understand the clinical research process and allow the community to voice concerns regarding specific clinical studies, their development, implementation, and outcome. CABs also provide technical assistance concerning issues related to the accrual and retention of trial participants. CABs serve the critical funtion of providing clinical trial participants with necessary advocacy in the event of grievences. Effective CABs provide an opportunity for researchers and community to forge a vialble partnership that will lead to improved knowledge of HIV disease.

Who may serve on the Penn CAB?

ANYONE in the Philadelphia area concerned with the AIDS clincal trials at the University of Pennsylvania. The Penn CAB strives to represent both the diversity of the communities affected by AIDS, as well as the various AIDS treatment and support services that have responded to the crisis. For example, the current Penn CAB is comprised of both HIV-positive and negative individuls, men and women, people of color, sexual minorities, trial participants, trial researchers (including principal invetigators, study coordinators and nurses), social workers, community activists, and AIDS service providers.

What are the qualifications for CAB membership?

There are no qualifications precluding membership to the CAB, other than a willingness to carefully critique ongoing Penn AIDS trials, and to provide feedback on plans for future AIDS research. The Penn CAB meets every two months for two hours at a time. New CAB members should attempt to be present at as many meetings as possible.

When is the next meeting? Call or Email Aleshia Thomas for information.

Call with questions:
  • phone: (215) 349-8092
  • fax: (215) 349-8011

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