Welcome to the University of Pennsylvania
AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU) Homepage   

The Penn ACTU carries out clinical trials studying new treatments against HIV infection, AIDS, and AIDS-related opportunistic infections.  The Penn ACTU is a member of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group supported by funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases (NIAID) in Washington, D.C.

Click here to find out about - HIV myths and misconceptions

Ways to Treat HIV
There are now over 30 anti-HIV drugs available by prescription. They are usually prescribed as part of a three or four drug combination. Anti-HIV drug combinations are referred to as HAART, which stands for Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Clinical trials have shown that HAART can work well in people who have been diagnosed with AIDS, as well as people who have HIV-related symptoms.

Click here to see info on - FDA approved HIV meds

Contact Information

If you would like more information about the trials at our site please check the trials button above or send a message through the feedback button. Also feel free to contact us through the methods provided below.

Postal address
502 Johnson Pavilion  Philadelphia ,PA 19104
Electronic mail
General Information:   thomas.kenney@uphs.upenn.edu

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