Simulation Center


Simulation at Penn Medicine research initiatives focus on how simulation-based education and assessment supports and drives its own mission, to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes, as well as the The Penn Medicine Blueprint for Quality and Safety, which is to improve the health of our patients and assure safe care through engagement, continuity and value.

Posters and publications primarily focus on:

  • Curriculum development and implementation
  • Utility of assessment tools for technical and non-technical skills
  • Clinical impact of interdisciplinary assessment and training
  • Innovation in simulation and simulator development
  • Research Policy & Procedure Manual


Kristoffel Dumon

Kristoffel Dumon

Faculty Mentor

Vinay Nadkarni

Vinay Nadkarni


Jose Pascual

Jose Pascual

Dimitri Baranov

Dimitri Baranov

No Photo

Josh Atkins

orrinna Oxford

Corrinna Oxford

Noel Williams

Noel Williams

Greg Lipschik

Greg Lipschik

Lauren Conlon

Lauren Conlon

Ari Brooks

Ari Brooks

Current Fellow

William Yi

William YI

Past Fellows

no photo

David Sigmon

no photo

Raghavendra Rao

Yangseon Park

Yangseon Park

Kiyo Miyasaka

Kiyo Miyasaka

Robert Caskey

Robert Caskey