Simulation Center

First Five Minutes Programs

Ambulatory Setting:

"The First Five Minutes" Safety Simulation

The level of acuity of patients seen in the ambulatory setting can be complex.  There are occasions when staff must identify, elicit resources for, and provide care to, patients experiencing a medical emergency in this setting. This activity, which focuses on crisis resource management, is designed to prepare staff to efficiently meet this challenge in order to promote the best outcome for the patient.

Following this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize an acute medical emergency
  • Activate office emergency response policy
  • Summon rapid response and 911 personnel
  • Mobilize resources: staff and medical equipment
  • Manage patient until transfer to higher level of care
  • Achieve proficiency with clinic specific emergency medical equipment
  • Review optimal communication technique
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Understand available options to obtain appropriate AHA BLS/ACLS certification/recertification

Program Requirements for Outpatient Team

  • Identify outpatient project champions:  Generally the office administrator/manager and the medical director/physician lead.  The project champions agree to participate in planning and delivery of the simulation and have the authority to implement any resulting simulation recommendations.
  • Attend initial planning meeting (approximately 1 hour):  Simulation at Penn Medicine staff and outpatient project champions review current emergency response policy, develop objectives, discuss date for simulation, and tour outpatient office setting.
  • Develop a realistic scenario (approximately 30 minutes): Outpatient project champion will provide Simulation at Penn Medicine staff with a medical profile of a typical patient.
  • Identify simulation participants: Outpatient project champions will identify and schedule interprofessional office and security personnel (if applicable) to participate in the simulation.
  • Designate time for staff in-service: Prior to simulation day, if deemed necessary, staff may receive in-service facilitated by outpatient educator or Simulation at Penn Medicine staff regarding use of emergency medical equipment (basic life support, AED).
  • Participate in the simulation (approximately 1 to 1.5 hours)

Simulation Structure and Content:

  • Acute onset emergency in exam or waiting room
  • Tailored to practice’s specific patient population
  • Standardized patient (scripted actor) or manikin utilized
  • Conducted in-situ during normal office hours for enhanced fidelity (approximately 1 hour)
    • Pre-brief session and pre-simulation survey: ~15 minutes
    • Simulation: ~15 minutes
    • De-brief session and post-simulation survey: ~30 minutes
  • Utilize office equipment, resources, and procedure(s)
  • Following the exercise, Simulation at Penn Medicine staff will send outpatient project champion(s) a Summary Report outlining key themes and findings as well as results from pre and post simulation survey
  • Additional simulations can be requested for future dates

Request a First Five Minute Training Session (link)

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