Simulation Center

Skills Competency Curriculum

Need to brush up on or learn a new medical skill? Simulation at Penn Medicine offers simulation equipment and corresponding curriculum to teach a number of medical techniques to interested Penn Medicine departments and external healthcare institutions.

While each training group must provide a qualified staff member to act as an instructor, utilizing the developed curriculum which includes, a skills video presentation, competency checklist, reference material, and competency certificate, much of the workload of curriculum design has already been completed.  In addition, skills training can be customized to fit your department’s needs and each skill offered can be accomplished in as little as four hours. 

We invite interested Penn Medicine departments or external institutions to contact the Simulation at Penn Medicine for more information.

Please call 215.893.7700 for more information

Scheduling Request Intake Form

Simulated Skills
Arterial Puncture Central Line Placemen
Chest Tube Placement Gowning and Scrubbing
IV Insertion Knot Tying
Lumbar Puncture Male and Female Foley Catheter Placement
New England Journal of Medicine
Videos in Clinical Training (link)
Oral Endotracheal Intubation
Oral/Nasal Feeding Tube Insertion Oral/Nasogastric Intubation
Paracentesis Sugical Cricoidthyrotomy
Suturing Thoracentesis
Tracheostomy Care